📌twenty three

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Jennie's face looked sad and strong at the same time met Taeyong's burning gaze.

"I can't live just as a substitute for someone's doll. I also have my own personality and I'm tired." Taeyong's anger which was bubbling immediately subsided at Jennie's words.

Why didn't Taeyong notice? All Jennie wanted was an admission that she was no substitute for Jane. Only that. And Taeyong was stupid because he didn't realize it all this time. Well, if that's what Jennie wants, she will give it ...

"Come with me," Taeyong took Jennie's hand and took her out of the room, he half dragged the confused Jennie down the stairs, straight to the wing of the rose garden. The wing of the house where Jane's painting is neatly installed behind the door is nuanced in gold. The servants seemed to be peeking at the commotion, even Yuta also appeared from the front with alarm. But then immediately backed away when he realized that Taeyong took Jennie to the wing of the house.

Taeyong stopped dragging Jennie when they were at the door of the golden room,
"You want an answer right ?," Taeyong stepped in and then came out again carrying Jane's painting that was originally hanging. On the wall. Then walked with angry steps leaving Jennie. Jennie immediately followed suit, wanting to know what Taeyong would do with the painting. Taeyong stepped into the backyard, slammed the painting on the ground, and when Jennie realized what Taeyong was going to do, it was too late, "Don't !!!" Too late. Taeyong had thrown fire at the painting, and in an instant the fire had burned its fragile canvas.

The whole painting of Jane, who was pregnant and smiling, was exhausted into thin charcoal which was engulfed by a fire so fierce. Jennie stood staring at the remains of the burning and turned to stare at Taeyong in confusion.
"Why did you do it?" "Because ..." Taeyong suddenly grabbed Jennie and snatched her into his arms. His kisses were both rough and long, full of passion. Taeyong's lips devoured Jennie's lips as if they would die if they didn't taste her. His tongue roamed with excitement, tasting all of Jennie's sweetness that he hadn't tasted for a long time. Taeyong satisfied his longing, anger, and frustration in the kiss. A passionate kiss that only extraordinary couples miss. When Taeyong let go of his burning kiss, Jennie's body went limp and Taeyong had to support her. With a firm gesture, the man lifted Jennie's chin and turned toward her. "Because of Mrs. Lee Jennie, I love you, I really love you, as the annoying and stubborn Jennie who always opposes me," Taeyong crushed Jennie's lips gaping in amazement with passion.

"You are stored in my heart," Taeyong gently brought Jennie's hand to his chest, "This heart I used to throw far to the bottom, but you brought it to the surface again and put yourself there. I can't get you out of there afterwards," Taeyong stared. the burned-out painting, "I've loved Jane before. But now, she's just a memory I have to respect. That's all. My love for her has gone slowly over time, and I tell you Mrs. Lee Jennie, I'm with you not because of you have to replace anyone, I'm with you because I love you, and it turns out that we fit very well in bed which is a bonus "
" Taeyong "Jennie's cheeks flushed, trying to hold Taeyong saying more vulgar words. They were in the open space and Jennie knew the maids who were shocked by the commotion were gathered in corners, trying to eavesdrop and find out what was really going on.

Taeyong stopped her and realized that many were peeking at them secretly, but she did not. care again. "Now Mrs. Lee Jennie, your time to answer !," Taeyong stood there looking at Jennie with his arrogant gaze, momentarily arousing Jennie's impulse to fight him. Taeyong seemed to realize Jennie's intention either from his facial expression, or maybe from the glint of his eyes,

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