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"No !" Jennie exclaimed. Immediately her face turned pale, her hands immediately protected she ach. she had no experience with pregnancy. But once she realized that there was a baby growing and developing inside her body, Jennie knew right away that there was a bond between them, that a mother would naturally protect her child.

"You have to kill me first if you intend to carry out your intention Lee Taeyong! I don't know what madness is in your brain, but you should be ashamed. This child is your own flesh and blood, and you intend to kill him before he even grows up! " Taeyong looked at Jennie with a look of pain.

"I can't Jennie, I can't if you're pregnant!" The man ruffled his hair and stood across the room, poured brandy for him and took a sip of the strong liquid. Then he suddenly slammed the glass and looked at Jennie, his eyes were burning.
"Jane ..... she was pregnant you know ... then had a miscarriage ..." Jennie choked when Taeyong finally let the topic go. Jane's name seemed taboo to say when Jennie walked into this house as Mrs. Lee. And now Taeyong himself brought the topic to the surface.

"But my condition and Jane are different, I'm fine ..." "What other people do not know is Jane was pregnant again after the miscarriage.

" Taeyong eyes wistful, his memory went back to the time. then, as if not realizing that Jennie was in the room.

" I don't know how she caught me off guard and got pregnant again. For God's sake I've been trying to keep her from getting pregnant again, I've even made an appointment with the doctor for a vasectomy. But Jane made it. pregnant again and she stubbornly kept the secret from me and everyone. Afraid that if we found out, she would be ask to abort her child". Taeyong gasped.

"When she died like sleeping in bed, the doctor just found out and told me that Jane was pregnant. three months. It was her pregnancy that made her condition worse and made her weaker ..... it was the pregnancy that killed her!"

"But I'm not the same as Jane, Taeyong, "Jennie interrupted, trying to return Taeyong to the present.

"I am healthy and strong and this baby will not burden me."

"I don't want you to get sick because of your pregnancy !" Taeyong interrupted in anger, and when he realized Jennie's face had turned pale because of her raised voice. , Taeyong softened his voice, his gaze begging.

"I asked you Jennie, abort the baby. There will never be a baby in this house, there will never be a baby in our marriage. I don't want a baby. "Jennie's chest rumbled with mixed feelings, how strong Taeyong was and how selfish she was! No matter how much Taeyong felt trauma and deep dislike for Jennie's pregnancy, the man should have realized that Jennie's child was his flesh and blood, his child. So much worth Jennie to Taeyong's eyes that she had to sacrifice the fetus she was carrying in the name of Taeyong's memory to Jane? "No Taeyong," Jennie straightened her chin, enduring her overwhelming heartache.

"I will never abort this baby for whatever reason, even though you just think it is trash ..."Jennie looked at Taeyong with a deep hurt gaze.

" Even though you forgot the fact that he exists because of you too ... he is my son, and now he's growing inside me. Like I told you earlier, if you force your will on me, if I lose this child because of your intention, then what you get is my death"

Taeyong was stunned to hear Jennie's threat, he looked at Jennie and realized the woman was hurt. Taeyong was too hasty to say his thoughts, and it hurt Jennie. With frustration ruffled his hair half angry.

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