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Coffee was served, a sign that the casual meeting was over. Several men opted out to smoke, while Sehun sat quietly on the edge of the sofa, watching Taeyong, who was still busy studying the files in his hand.

Taeyong is not a man who can blend in, this man is a loner, and his famous personality makes people reluctant to approach him.

Sehun wasn't familiar with Taeyong, they only talked about business. And when it comes to business, Taeyong is quite cooperative. Their cooperation has resulted in many benefits for their respective companies.

Sehun hesitated to ask Taeyong about Jennie. It seems too strange to discuss the matter here. But his wife,beautiful Jisoo has managed to get him to promise to do it.

Sehun cleared his throat, drawing Taeyong's attention from the files he was searching for seriously.

"my wife and I met your lover last night." Taeyong's head immediately lifted like a jolt, he looked at Sehun warily, "Oh yeah?" His tone was relaxed, but the tension in Taeyong's voice couldn't fool Sehun.

There is something wrong, Sehun thought in his heart, there is something Taeyong is keeping secret.

"Well, She met my wife yesterday, and talked to her at length," Sehun tried to lure Taeyong and it seemed like his fishing rod hit him because Taeyong's eyes narrowed and looked at him suspiciously.

"Did She say anything to your wife?" Taeyong looked straight at Sehun.
"She asked my wife to help her, so she can get out of your house." Taeyong's lips tightened into a thin line, then he immediately stood up.
"Tell your wife not to do anything. That woman is mine and no one will be able to let her go from my house, except with my permission." Taeyong looked straight at Sehun, considering.

"I respect you Sehun, you are one of the few people who I respect and I don't want this respectful relationship to be damaged. Sorry but I have to excuse myself because I have  an appointment with the other party after this. "After nodding stiffly, Taeyong walked away from the large meeting room.

Sehun sat quietly and took a sip of coffee, his eyes still on the door where Taeyong disappeared behind. Taeyong's behavior reminded him of his old self. A smile appeared on Sehun's lips. Taeyong might experience the same thing as him, if he is not careful with Jennie.  


When the door to her room was opened from the outside, Jennie didn't think that Taeyong was the one who entered. That man had completely ignored her lately. Jennie almost never even saw the guy, except from the scene when Taeyong entered his car on the lower terrace visible from the second floor window where Jennie was locked up.

And as usual, the man looked angry. Jennie furrowed her brows, why did that guy never look cheerful and smile at all?
Even if he smiled, his smile was just a smile of evil and cynical. Has this man ever felt the slightest bit of happiness in his heart?

Without further ado, Taeyong threw his jacket on the chair and loosened his tie, then glared at Jennie. "What did you say to Sehun's wife?" Jennie immediately frowned in fear. Jisoo may have conveyed her request for help to Sehun, and Sehun told Taeyong.

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