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Posthumous/TII Era

Y/N POVPosthumous/TII Era

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Today is August 29th. To some people that may just be another regular day, but to me it's something special. It's the birthday of my favorite singer- more like favorite person- in the whole entire world.

Michael Jackson.

I was woken up by the sound of my alarm going off. I hopped out of bed and went to take a shower, when I was done I went in my closet to pick an outfit.

I chose a black tight skirt that stopped mid-thigh, black combat boots, and a shirt with Michael's name written in cursive. I got my Billie Jean inspired jacket, fedora, and glove and walked out the door to get to school.
When I got to school, the first thing I was greeted by was the voice of my longtime bully, Vanessa. "Would you look here, it's Y/N, the pedophile lover."

I took a deep and ignored her focusing on getting to my locker. But she just wouldn't let me be.

"Hey listen to me when I'm talking to you! Why do you even like Michael Jackson huh? He can't sing, he can't dance, he looks a mess, and he's a fucking dead pedophile." At this point I was fed up with her so I turned around and punched her right in the mouth.

She fell back and put her hand on her mouth to cover the blood that was coming out. I was about to punch her again until I saw the principal coming our way. I pulled back and ran as fast as I could all the way to the girls bathroom in the back off the school. When I got there I locked the door.

"She deserved what she got."I told myself. "Who deserved what." A soft voice from behind me said.

I turned around and Michael's ghost right in front of me. He looked just as he did during the This Is It rehearsals.

"Michael-what are you-how did you- oh my gosh." I almost fell on the floor till I remembered where I was.

"Please don't be scared of me." He smiled lightly which made me smile back. "I'm not scared of you. Um, my names Y/N." I was gonna put my hand out for him to shake them I remembered he was a ghost.

"If I may ask, what were you talking to yourself about over there?" I blushed a little feeling embarrassed. "Oh- there's this girl who's always bullying me, well more like you, and I may or may not have punched her."

"Why would you do that?" He asked. I shrugged and he shook his head with a small smirk in his face. "I can fix this follow me."

I opened the bathroom door and he led to the hallway where Vanessa was taking to the principal. "Vanessa please tell me what happened." She asked.

"You see what happened was-." Right before she was about to snitch on me, Michael snapped his fingers making her freeze for a minute.

"What happened was I tripped and fell on my shoelace while I was going to class." She lied. "Oh well let's take you to nurse so we can clean you up."

While they were walking away I turned to Michael to thank him, but he was already gone.

A/N: I'm backkkkkkk! I just had to take a break from WP for a hot minute. Imma be updating "You Are There" and I hope y'all don't hate me for what I'm finna do🌚

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