Chapter 2

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Jennie pov
After class I was about to leave when someone stop me I look back to see whoever to stop me and it Lisa

Lisa: Jennie can we go to cafeteria together?

Jennie: Ok let's go " I say lazy tone" when we go to cafeteria I saw jisoo unnie and I quickly go to unnie cuz I am so hungry I sit down be side unnie and eat her chicken

jisoo: YAYYY my chicken you mandu "unnie angry said" but I don't care cuz am so hungry

Jennie: unnie am... "I got cut when Lisa ask me"

Lisa: Jennie what you want to eat I'll go get it for you "softly say"

Jennie: ohh okay I want chicken hamburger and juice "normal said"

Lisa: I'll be right back just wait for me " and she ran off"

Jisoo: someone got whipped with you already " she teasers me but I got annoyed by that so I say"

Jennie: unnie am straight I don't like or love her just stop it so annoying and if that so she not my tape I will never going to love her unnie so just stop " I annoy said"

Jisoo: ok okay am sorry " I was about to reply unnie when Lisa got back with my food and her food"

Lisa: here Jennie your food I know you hungry so let eat " I just humble hmm to her"

        Lisa pov

Class had end for today and I haven't got to talk to chipmunk yet cuz I busy to look at Jennie the whole time. Now am at hallway to wait for my chipmunk and am planning to tell my chipmunk about my feeling towards Jennie I hope she support me. I was busy with my thought when someone interrupt me

Rosè : monkey what are you thinking? " she ask me"

Lisa: ahhhh nothing lets go home chipmunk.
"I will tell you when we got home not now. After awhile we got home I tell chipmunk that I will just go to my room to take a bath after we will eat dinner together." Am really nervous excited happy at the same time and now I will tell rosè

Lisa: chaeyoung I want to tell you something "nervous tone"

      Rosè pov

Me and Lisa eating dinner when suddenly she speak up and she look really nervous or something that scared her so I just comfort her

Rosè : hey Lisa it's ok just speak up you don't have to be scared you know that I will support you whatever you do right? " after what I say I saw her experience was change to normal so she tell me that got me shook"

Lisa: rosè I love Jennie unnie

Rosè: you WHAT?" I ask her still you can hear shook in my voice"

Lisa: rosè I know you shook but please support me I love her since I am first saw her and I can't stop it now rosè so please " she tearing eyes said" I have nothing to do with that I can't stop her like she say and I will just support her so I say

Rosè: Lisaya it's ok I support you don't worry so when will you confess to Jennie unnie? " I ask that make her smile and reply me"

Lisa: tomorrow I will confess to her " I see her smile happy with her though and I can only hope that Jennie unnie is love u back lisaya"

        (Next day at school)
         Lisa pov

As always after we go to Cafeteria chipmunk has cheer me up this whole morning so I tell her I confess to Jennie unnie after school. Now we eat lunch i just look at her beauty face it like am in havens already I was about to speak when suddenly the bell ring so we all go to class to finish our class and am soo happy after this few hours am gonna confess my feeling towards Jennie unnie.
( fast forward)
Am waiting for Jennie unnie in front of our school when suddenly I saw her and I go to her

Lisa: unnie wait " I shout so she stop she with her friends"

Jennie: WHAT LISA? why you like to stop me? "She ask and it make me more nervous"

Lisa: unnie I just want to say I love you unnie I really do I love you since I first saw you and it make my heart beat gone carzy for you unnie you just like an angel for havens your cat eyes your cheek is just so perfect I love you unnie CAN YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND? "I quickly said and waiting for her answer"

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