"A new student, Yang Jeongin, right"

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Jeongin just finish his first class, he walked out from the class and made way towards his locker to take a books for his next class then when he close the locker "Boo", Jeongin shouted making everyone looking at him

"Rose, you scar-" before Jeongin could finished his words, Rose already hug him tightly "I miss you, you idiot" said Rose feeling happy that she could meet her childhood friend for a long time. Jeongin just smile and hug Rose softly "I miss you too" Jeongin and Rose hug for one minute then let go when heard the bell ringing

"What class did you have, right now" asked Rose to Jeongin "Um, science" Jeongin said checking his phone that have his schedule "Oh, me too. Lucky, let's go" Rose and Jeongin walked towards Science class with a happy smile. Before Jeongin went to his seat, he give the teacher a paper that says he was a new student "A new student, Yang Jeongin, right"

"Yes, Sir" said Jeongin show him a smile "Did you already got the book" asked the teacher drown to Jeongin smile "Yes, I already got it" said Jeongin still show a smile "Okay then, you can take a sit where ever you want" said the teacher give Jeongin a smile. Jeongin walked towards Rose then take a sit beside her "I think you have to stop smiling"

Jeongin look at Rose with a confused face "Don't you know, your smile can make people falling in love with you" said Rose while whispering to Jeongin, Jeongin just giggle and just shake his head "If you says so, I could doubt that you have fallen in love with me too" said Jeongin joking with Rose who give him a glare "Okay, everyone, open page 45"


Jeongin and Rose made way towards the cafeteria after their third class ended "You going to like them" said Rose with an excitement voice. When they arrive at the cafeteria, someone were waving and calling Rose name. Rose quickly grab Jeongin hand and drag him with her "Oh, who is this" asked a girl with short hair along with her height

"This is Yang Jeongin, the one that I told you guys about" said Rose to her friends "Oh, your childhood friend . Hi, I'm Min Heesung" said Heesung while show a hand to handshake with Jeongin. One by one introduce themselves to Jeongin and all of them being wiped by Jeongin smile "So Jeongin, what made you move here" asked Woo Yun to Jeongin

"I don't want to talked about that, sorry" said Jeongin with an awkward smile making them all look at Woo Yun with a glare then when Anna about to say something, all the students in the cafeteria become quiet when saw a group of boys appear walking inside of the cafeteria. Jeongin notice that the cafeteria become quiet so he look at where the students looked at "Who's that"


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