"Don't stop, look at me just like you did a minute ago"

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Heesung stand in front of Jeongin and give him a glare, Jeongin who about to punch him was shocked seeing Heesung in front of him "Heesung, I can han-" Jeongin wanted to settle this by himself but Heesung didn't want to hear a word from him. The student take a step forward and push Heesung making Heesung fall down "Hey" 

Rose and Jeongin help Heesung up, Jeongin walked towards that guy and push him, it does make him lost balance but he managed to balance himself. The student look at Jeongin with angry face making Jeongin give him a glare "What, angry just because a junior like me push you" said Jeongin with a smirk

Rose who are watching the scene smirk "That's what I talked about" said Rose pull Heesung away "Hey, I need t-" Heesung wanted to help Jeongin but Rose stop him "Don't interrupt, Jeongin could settle this by himself" Rose give Heesung a glare then just watch the scene where the student couldn't say anything to Jeongin  

"Looks like, you have nothing to say" said Jeongin still locking his eyes with the student, the student was pissed and wanted to beat Jeongin up but Jeongin dodge and only his hand got hit making Jeongin hissed in pain "Does i-" Hyunjin hold the student hand and pull it behind the student 

Making the student scream in pain, he pull it even tighter then let go when the student keep slapping his hands "Now, does it hurt" asked Hyunjin hold the student chin making the student shaking in fear, Hyunjin push the student face away making him fall down really hard, Hyunjin smirk then turn around to Jeongin 

"Are you okay" asked Hyunjin with a worry face while checking Jeongin "I'm fine, its just a scratch" said Jeongin still holding the pain. Suddenly someone tapping Hyunjin shoulder, when Hyunjin turn around, he wanted to punch Hyunjin but Hyunjin dodge and instead of that, he the one who got punch "Hmph, what a weak boy"

Hyunjin said with a smirk then walked away with Jeongin to the nursery room to treat Jeongin hand. Rose and Heesung just watch Hyunjin taking Jeongin away, Heesung look at them and find himself jealous when seeing Jeongin together with Hyunjin "Take a sit, I will treat your wound" Jeongin take a sit and let Hyunjin treat his wound 

While Hyunjin so focused treating Jeongin wound, Jeongin just watch Hyunjin perfect face in front of him "Are you done looking at me" said Hyunjin chuckled, Jeongin quickly look away and his face already become like a tomato. Hyunjin hold Jeongin chin softly and made him look at him "Don't stop, look at me just like you did a minute ago" 


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