"What's wrong with your neck"

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Jeongin woke up by hearing his phone ringing "Ow" Jeongin hold his neck when he feel his neck hurt. Jeongin get off the bed then look at his neck through the mirror, Jeongin saw his neck have two scar that look so small "What is this, its so small but hurt like hell" said Jeongin still holding his neck 

Jeongin wanted to cover his neck and try to make it less hurt. Jeongin walked downstairs and found Mr. Yang were cooking breakfast "Good morning, dad" Jeongin take a sit at the dining table "Morning, what's wrong with your neck" asked Mr. Yang while putting the breakfast in front Jeongin "I don't know, when I woke up it was here and hurt so much" 

Jeongin said while eating his breakfast "Let me see" said Mr. Yang walked towards Jeongin, Mr. Yang open the cover and found Jeongin neck become purple "Oh my, it look bad" said Mr. Yang, put the cover back "Yeah but it will be fine, I already put something on it so it will be alright " Jeongin said didn't mind the scar in his neck 


Jeongin didn't feel pain anymore but when he look at the scar, it does look bad. Jeongin open the locker and about to take something out but someone patted his shoulder that close to the neck making him hissed in pain "You okay" said Rose look at Jeongin who holding his scar "No, its hurt like hell when you do that" said Jeongin trying to hold the pain 

"What's wrong with your neck" asked Rose to Jeongin with a curious face. Jeongin let Rose check his scar and when Rose check it, she gasped making Jeongin look at her "What, what" "Its look so bad" said Rose still looking at Jeongin scar "I think you need to see a doctor" "Its fine, it doesn't hurt. Its going to fine" 

Jeongin said covering his neck then take out all the book that he need, Rose just slide it away and believe in what Jeongin said. As they two made way towards their P.E class, they went to different way because they had to change their clothes. When Jeongin walked inside the room, the first thing he saw was Hyunjin were taking off his shirt 

Jeongin quickly look away and find his locker inside of the room. Jeongin change his clothes and check his scar on the mirror "Wow, it does look bad" said Jeongin, he take another cover and cover his scar properly "Bro, that look really hurt" Woo Yun "Yeah, I know" Jeongin close the locker door then made way towards the field with Woo Yun beside him 


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