"Ugh, he make my heart beating so fast"

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Hyunjin face and Jeongin face are just inches away. Suddenly the door open, making Jeongin panicked and push Hyunjin face away, Hyunjin fell down from his chair and act like he was searching something on the floor meanwhile Jeongin, act like nothing happened "Jeongin, are you alright now" 

Asked Rose walked inside of the room with a food on her hands "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to Hyunjin" Rose check Jeongin hand and look at Hyunjin with a deep stare "Thank you, I guess" said Rose looking away then take a sit beside Jeongin "Here your food, I bought it for you" Rose give the food to Jeongin "Woah, thank you" 

Jeongin open the food and when he about to take a bite, he remember about Heesung "Oh, is Heesung okay" asked Jeongin, worry about Heesung "He's fine, that the first time I saw him being pain in the ass" said Rose with a pissed face, Jeongin just chuckled meanwhile Hyunjin have a jealous face

 Hyunjin put back the aid kit and about to leave but stop when Klingon calling his name "Hyunjin, thank you for treating my wound and save me from that bully" said Jeongin with a shy smile but managed to look cute. Hyunjin could feel his heart got stab by Jeongin smile, Hyunjin cough trying to cover his red face "Y-your welcome, Jeongin" 

Hyunjin waved bye towards Jeongin before he walked out from the room, Jeongin watch Hyunjin walked out of the room then continue eating even thought he feel his heart beating so fast. When Hyunjin close the door, he lay his body on the door and hold his heart and smile when he remember Jeongin smile "Ugh, he make my heart beating so fast" 

Said Hyunjin smile then walked back towards his class. Without him knowing, someone is watching him from far away with a jealous face "How annoying" she vanished away with feeling pissed. It was time for the students to go home, Jeongin and Rose were walking together towards Jeongin house but then Rose got a called from her mother 

"Oh, okay" Rose end the called and had a disappointed face "I'm sorry, I had a guests coming over so I had to go back" said Rose with a disappointed voice, Jeongin just smile and fine with it "Be careful" "You too" Jeongin continue walking when seeing Rose vanished from his sight. Jeongin continue walking then he felt someone follow him so he fast his steps 

Jeongin keep walking suddenly someone appear in front of him making him scream and punch that person but he catch Jeongin hand "That's almost hit me" said Hyunjin who had a heart attack, Jeongin sigh in relief then glare at Hyunjin "Don't scared me like that, you give me a heart attack" said Jeongin patting his heart "I'm sorry, I just want to walked with you"


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