"I want you to meet, Uncle Jeongin, my soul mate"

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"I want you to meet, Uncle Jeongin, my soul mate" said Hyunjin proudly, all the children look at Hyunjin with confused face "When you grow up, you will understand what I say" said Hyunjin, winking at the children "Hi, everyone. Nice to meet you guys" said Jeongin bend down and hold one of the children hand but look at the children with a smile 

"Uncle Jeongin, you had a beautiful smile" said one of the children who look so amazed with Jeongin smile, Jeongin giggle and pinch the girl cheek gently "I know" said Jeongin, the girl smile and giggle cutely "Okay, children. Go back to what you doing, don't disturb Uncle Hyunjin and Uncle Jeongin" said Mrs. Villa, shoving the children to the living room 


Hyunjin and Jeongin were having a conversation and a good time with Mrs. Villa, Jeongin wanted to know more about Mrs. Villa and how Mrs. Villa have same thoughts as Jeongin. They both got to know each other very well, Hyunjin just watched them "Hyunjin, can you look after the children. I wanted to have private conversation with Jeongin" 

Hyunjin nod his head and before he go, he look at Jeongin then walked away "Hyunjin is such a sweet boy" said Mrs. Villa looked at Hyunjin, Jeongin nod his head agree at what Mrs. Villa said then out of sudden, Mrs. Villa hold his hands "Jeongin, I know you was surprised and shocked when know about you and Hyunjin" 

Said Mrs. Villa with a worry face "I know that feeling so well. I know Hyunjin didn't tell you this but soul mate couldn't stay forever" Jeongin was surprised hearing what Mrs. Villa said but managed to calm down "What do you mean" "You know, when vampires know about having a soul mate and didn't thought some of them will soul mate with human" 

"There is so many vampires that soul mate with humans but none of them could stay forever because their heart didn't connected and their mind the one control them so that's why the vampire killed their own soul mate or the human killed their own soul mate"

Said Mrs. Villa with a worry face, Jeongin who heard that couldn't believe what Mrs. Villa said "B-but why" "Its all because they only think about power not love but I know you and Hyunjin will stay forever because you two already accept each other heart and already united as one" said Mrs. Villa with a happy smile "But I know it won't become so easily" 

Said Jeongin who remember about what Hyunjin said to him "I know, that's why you two can't let go of each other. Even thought the evil vampires king wanted to make you guys broke apart, I know he will never do that because your love between you two are strong" Mrs. Villa hug Jeongin with the most lovely smile, Jeongin smile as well and hug her tightly 


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