"Uncle Hyunjin, you here"

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Jeongin wait outside of the house, waiting for Hyunjin to arrive. As he wait in this cold weather, he tried to stay warm then a black car arrive in front of Jeongin, the window slowly slide down seeing Hyunjin smiling towards Jeongin "Sorry if I'm late" said Hyunjin, take off his sunglasses "Nah, its fine"  Jeongin get inside of the car and Hyunjin start driving

"Where are we going exactly" asked Jeongin, who been curious since the yesterday night "You will see" said Hyunjin with a small smile appear on his face. Jeongin just wait even thought he feel curious and him, himself couldn't stop wondering where they going. Even thought, they both didn't talked or say anything, they didn't feel awkward 

Suddenly, Jeongin saw a big house inside a forest that are so beautiful. Jeongin look at Hyunjin then outside of the window, when Jeongin saw a sign, Jeongin look so surprised and have a big smile on his face "No way" said Jeongin couldn't believe what he saw, where he wanted to go in long time "Surprise" 

Said Hyunjin park the car, Jeongin hug Hyunjin right away and come out from the car "H-how did you know" said Jeongin who seems couldn't calm down, Hyunjin lock the door and walked towards Jeongin "Well, like I said, I have been watching you since you were born and I know you like children so I bought you here so you could spend time with the children" 

Jeongin jump in cheerful way then hug Hyunjin again making Hyunjin smile looking at Jeongin. Its have been Jeongin wish to come to an orphanage and he actually wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. Hyunjin and Jeongin walked towards the orphanage and a women were standing with a welcome smile on her face "Welcome, Hyunjin and Jeongin, its been a while" 

Hyunjin hug the old women softly then break the hug, the old women look at Jeongin and offer him a hug. Jeongin quickly hug her softly with a smile "You really warm, Jeongin" said the old women "Thank you, Mrs.." Jeongin don't know what to called her making Hyunjin chuckled "Call me, Mrs. Villa" said Mrs. Villa with a big smile "Thank you, Mrs. Villa" 

Said Jeongin with a smile, Mrs. Villa whom for the first time seeing Jeongin smile got stab by Jeongin smile at her heart "Your smile is so beautiful" said Mrs. Villa touch Jeongin cheek. Jeongin smile shyly when heard the comment "How about we go inside" said Mrs. Villa walking inside of the big house with Jeongin and Hyunjin 

When Jeongin and Hyunjin walked inside of the big house, some of the children at the living room running towards Hyunjin and hug him "Uncle Hyunjin, you here" said one of the children, Hyunjin pat their head with a smile "Of course I am but I'm not alone" said Hyunjin, hold Jeongin hands making all the children look at Jeongin "H-Hi" 


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