"Wasn't him"

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"Nice meeting you too, Jeongin" Felix offer a handshake to Jeongin "It may sound embarrassing but I have been waiting for so long to be friends with you" said Felix shyly looking down trying to hide his face, Jeongin find it cute "No need to be embarrassed because this guy is the same" said Jeongin pointing at himself 

Felix feel happy when heard what Jeongin said that he hug Jeongin tightly with a cheerful smile "This is the first time I had a real human friend who know about my identity" said Felix with a low voice so no one could heard him "Me too and I hope we can get along well" said Jeongin with his cheerful smile that could make people fall for him

"Have anyone told you that you had the prettiest smile" said Felix who couldn't take his eyes out of Jeongin smile "Yeah, almost everyone told me that" Jeongin and Felix become close to each other that they end up walking together towards the cafeteria after their class finished "Do you want to join us, Jeongin"  asked Felix hoping Jeongin will join him and the others 

"I want to but I had friends waiting for me, sorry" said Jeongin apologize to Felix "Oh, its fine. Hope we can meet again, bye" Felix waved goodbye to Jeongin same as Jeongin then Jeongin walked towards Rose and the others "What taking you so long" said Rose who have been waiting for Jeongin about ten minutes

"Sorry, the teacher let us out late" said Jeongin apologizes again at Rose "Whatever, let's go buy a food and drink" said Rose standing up and walked towards the line with Jeongin beside her. While their in line, some gang cut their line making Jeongin back away. Rose who saw what happened, feels pissed with the students "Hey" 

Rose shouted at the gang meanwhile Jeongin trying to stop Rose "What do you want, slut" said the gang who look down at Rose with a scary face, Jeongin heard what the student said to Rose making him look at the student with a deep stare "Hey, she just want to talk so you should not called her that" said Jeongin protecting Rose

"Uuu, look at this boy, so brave" said the student like mocking Jeongin, Jeongin tried to calm himself down while holding Rose because Rose couldn't control her anger "Hey, hey let this boy said what he want to said" Jeongin just look at the students then start talking "We arrive first so could you wait behind us or behind the other students" 

Asked Jeongin kindly to the students but looks like they want to do in harsh way "What if we don't want to" said the students, Jeongin couldnt hold his anger so he just give a glare but still talked nicely "I said mo-" "He said move your ass away from the line, wasn't him" Heesung walked towards there and stand in front of Jeongin "Wasn't him"


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