"You really wanted to know my name and what am I"

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The guy had a sharp fang and his eyes are red "Its been a while since I last drink a human blood" said the guy with a smirk show on his face, Jeongin who are shocked heard what the guy said quickly back away "W-who are you, w-what do you want from me" asked Jeongin even thought he's scared

The guy start laughing evilly and loudly making Jeongin flinch and become even more scared of him "You really wanted to know my name and what am I" said the guy while showing his sharp fang, Jeongin gulp trying not to showed him how scared he was towards him "Well, if you say so. My name is Leon and I'm a vampire who had been a year since I last taste a human blood" 

Said Leon with his playful smile, Jeongin couldn't believe at what he heard. Jeongin who look so surprised making Leon looked at him with a confused face "Impossible" said Leon making Jeongin quickly snap out of it and take the vase behind him and throw at him "Ugh, y-you little brat" Jeongin quickly run away from Leon towards the forest 

Jeongin keep running but then he fell down when his foot got hit by the rock making his foot bleeding and couldn't move "You better show yourself or not, you will be dead when I find you" Leon voice are almost near, Jeongin quickly hide behind the tree and trying to cover his wound and stopping it from bleeding or not, Leon will smell his blood 

"I know you here" said Leon who already know where Jeongin is by smelling his blood "Wow, your blood smell delicious" said Leon when smelling Jeongin blood, Jeongin keep himself silently but then he heard Leon step coming towards him with one step to step "Caught you" said Leon while showing his sharp fang towards Jeongin 

Jeongin quickly run away from Leon but fall down because of his feet, Leon smirk and hold Jeongin by holding him at his neck then throw Jeongin away making Jeongin hissed in pain and his head are bleeding so much. Leon who are like seeing Jeongin cover in blood and his smell of blood making him go crazy "I really like that smell"

Leon like a drunk person who wanted to drink again, Jeongin who couldn't move his body couldn't do anything only hoping someone to save him. Leon walked towards Jeongin and pull his hair and make Jeongin neck exposed "N-no" Jeongin who are trying to move his body but couldn't, just praying someone will save him "Well, thank you for the food" 

Jeongin close his eyes as he saw Leon sharp fang about to bite his neck, Jeongin tears fall down but then he feel Leon let go of him and someone holding his head gently "Are you okay" Jeongin open his eyes and didn't expect someone going to save him. He lift Jeongin up and made him sitting near the tree 


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