"I'm going to be the one protecting you"

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"Okay, everyone listen up. This game is only two people in one team, if you and your partner win, I'm going to give you ten dollar" said the teacher showing his money, all the students become competitive when it come to money "Okay, your partner is the one in front of you" said the teacher

All the students groan when seeing the person in front of them except for those who got team up with their friends, Jeongin look at Rose and Woo Yun with an awkward face when he got team up with Thinking "Lucky him" said Woo Yun looked at Jeongin with an upset face "And poor to me, team up with a loser who already lose so many times in this game"

Rose and Woo Yun end up fighting with each other making Jeongin quickly look away and ignored them like he never known them. Jeongin just stood there awkwardly with Hyunjin beside him who are perfectly silent "U-um, which p-" "I'm going to be the one protecting you" said Hyunjin while holding Jeongin wrist, Jeongin look at Hyunjin and find his heart beating so fast

"Okay, everyone. The game going to start ... now" when the teacher blow the whistle and throw the ball to the person he wants to, all the students already do what their supposed to do. Hyunjin keep Jeongin behind him with his other hand hold Jeongin waist meanwhile Jeongin hiding behind Hyunjin while tightly grab Hyunjin shirt

"Okay, second round" said the teacher before blowing the whistle "Just hide behind me and don't you dare to look or whatever" said Hyunjin to Jeongin without looking at him. Jeongin feel a little bit pissed with Hyunjin words that it made him feel upset. One ball about to hit Hyunjin but Jeongin catch it and throw it back towards the student making the student team out

"I can play too" said Jeongin look at Hyunjin, Hyunjin just look at Jeongin then sigh "Fine but stay behind me, understand" said Hyunjin hold Jeongin hand as he pull him behind him, the ball keep floating with the students throwing it. Every students in the field was amazed with Jeongin and Hyunjin who made a perfect team

Suddenly Jeongin feel his neck hurt making him hissed in pain, Hyunjin saw Jeongin were holding his neck and quickly check him "Are you okay" asked Hyunjin who look so worry "Uh, its f- BALL" Jeongin shout as he saw the student throw the ball towards them, Jeongin quickly close his eyes but he didn't feel the ball hit him

When he open his eyes, he saw Hyunjin were holding the ball with a serious face. Hyunjin was pissed with the students so he quickly throw the ball towards them with a strong throw making the student fall down but no one got hurt then Hyunjin start eliminate all the students that don't even have a chance to touch the ball "Ouch"


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