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Jeongin walked towards his locker after arriving at the school. While he was taking out his books, Heesung saw Jeongin and quietly walked towards him then stay behind Jeongin to surprised Jeongin "Boo" Heesung surprised Klingon when Jeongin turned around "Whoa" Jeongin flinch and he accidentally fall down "Oh my god, I am so sorry" 

Heesung help Jeongin get up, Jeongin pat his pants and give a glare at Heesung "Why did you do that" Jeongin said still surprised at Heesung surprised trick "Hahahah, I'm sorry. Are you okay now" Heesung said give Jeongin a milk, Jeongin take it and accept Heesung apology "What class you have right now" 

"Science, you" Jeongin drink the milk while walking towards his class follow by Heesung "I have sam-" before Heesung could finish his words, someone called Jeongin name making both of them looked behind "Hyunjin" Jeongin smile when saw Hyunjin waved his hands at Jeongin with a smile "How are you feeling" 

"I feel better than ever" Jeongin look at Hyunjin with the most soft eyes ever "I'm glad to hear that, oh who is this" asked Hyunjin look at Heesung "Oh, this is Heesung, my friend, Heesung this is Hyunjin" Jeongin introduce Heesung to Hyunjin "Y-yeah, I know" "Nice meeting you, Heesung" Something feels chill when looking straightly in Hyunjin eyes 

He feel aware towards Hyunjin that made him back away a little, Hyunjin know what Heesung felt so he show a smirk towards Heesung before look at Jeongin "Well, I got to go. Nice meeting your friend, Jeongin. Bye, see you later" Hyunjin looked at Jeongin with the most soft eyes but when he look at Heesung, his eyes turn to sharp and dangerous eyes ever 

Jeongin watch Hyunjin walked away then turn to Heesung who are froze on his steps "Heesung, are you okay" asked Jeongin waved his hands in front Heesung "O-oh, yeah" Heesung form a smile to Jeongin even thought he still feel chill "What did you say again before Hyunjin come" "Oh, n-nothing" said Heesung show an awkward smile 

"Oh, then bye, see you at the cafeteria" Jeongin walked away towards his class meanwhile Heesung just watch Jeongin vanished from his sight then he walked towards his class. When Jeongin walked inside of the class, he couldn't see any sit only to find a sit that got surround by the students. Jeongin wanted to sit there but couldn't because of the students 

"Okay guys, go back to your sits" said the person who sit there, all the students listen to him and what made Jeongin surprised is that, that person is Hyunjin friends, Felix. Jeongin walked over there and take a sit beside Felix "T-thank you" said Jeongin nervously show a smile "Your welcome, I'm Felix" "I know but nice meeting you"


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