"Oh yeah, did you bring the knife"

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Jeongin were inside of the car with Hyunjin driving the car, Jeongin just listen to the songs while lay his head on Hyunjin shoulder "I been wonder, is your family will be okay with me cause you know I'm a human and it might made them feel uncomfortable" said Jeongin, wonder and worry about Hyunjin family 

Hyunjin chuckled and pat Jeongin head "You going to be alright, they will like you even thought Jisung, Seungmin and Felix were there" Jeongin look at Hyunjin and trust his words "Okay, I will trust your words" said Jeongin, still lay his head on Hyunjin shoulder "Oh yeah, did you bring the knife "

"Yeah I did but why I had to bring it with me" asked Jeongin who look confused but still lay on Hyunjin shoulder "Well, just in case anything happened" when Hyunjin said that, Jeongin look at Hyunjin with a disbelief face, Hyunjin look at Jeongin then look at the road while chuckling "Why are you laughing, I trust you, okay" 

Jeongin hit Hyunjin shoulder and were looking at Hyunjin furiously "I'm just joking, I'm afraid if someone went inside of your house and took that knife so that's why I told you to bring that with you" Jeongin nod his head as understand what Hyunjin doing, he lay back on Hyunjin shoulder and continue listening to the radio 


When they arrived at the stadium, Jeongin get out from the car same as Hyunjin. It was so hot that Jeongin had to cover himself using his hand, Hyunjin notice that Jeongin were feeling hot so he got Jeongin a hat and put it on his head "Thank you" said Jeongin, smiling at Hyunjin "Your welcome, let's go" 

Hyunjin and Jeongin walked inside the stadium, before they meet with Hyunjin family, they bought a drinks and foods so they won't be hungry when watching the match. Suddenly Hyunjin saw Bang Chan, Lee Know and Changbin were shopping inside the store "Oh, there they are" said Hyunjin pull Jeongin with him towards the store 

Jeongin just follow Hyunjin even thought he feel nervous because he's afraid they going not to like him "Hey, where the others" asked Hyunjin making Lee Know and Changbin flinch but Bang Chan didn't "Oh, Hyunjin you here and Jeongin, we been waiting for you" said Bang Chan show Jeongin a wide smile 

Bang Chan offer a handshake with Jeongin so Jeongin accept his handshake "I'm Bang Chan, I bet you know us from Hyunjin" said Bang Chan with a smile "Of course, I heard a lot about you" Jeongin show a smile making them amazed with Jeongin smile "Your smile is always cheerful and beautiful" said Changbin wanted to pinch Jeongin but Hyunjin stop him


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