"Well then, let's not wasting our time"

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Jeongin just walked and hide when he saw a vampires coming towards. They won't smell human blood because the clothes Jeongin wore had blood all over in it, Jeongin walked until he saw three guard vampires were together and they were heading towards Jeongin, Jeongin don't have place to hide so he just walked beside them 

And act cool but then he felt someone holding his hand "Stop" said the guard, Jeongin stop and tried to calm down. Jeongin didn't look behind and he hold the knife, just in case the guard saw his face "Can you look at me" said the guard, Jeongin find the voice calmly and he some kind have heard that voice before 

Jeongin look behind with his head looking down but then he saw the guard hand. The guard hand look exactly like Hyunjin hand "Could I look at your face" said the guard, Jeongin life his head slowly and wanted to stab him but when he saw the guard face, he put back the knife and hug the guard "Hyunjin, you here" 

Jeongin said hugging Hyunjin when know it was him, Hyunjin was glad that Jeongin was safe same as Seungmin and Felix "Did you guys come here to save me" Jeongin said, feel so touch with Seungmin, Felix and the others. Seungmin and Felix nod their head "We'll chat later, let's go now" Hyunjin said, Jeongin and the others start walked towards the exit 

When they already out, all the guard were surround them "Where did you think you going" said Hazard walking out of the castle, Jeongin stay behind Hyunjin as Hyunjin pull him "Seize them, don't fight back or not, that human boy will got a lot of worse than you think" Hazard said with a smirk, the guard take Jeongin away along with the rest 

Jeongin, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Felix were sitting on the floor with their hand got tied behind. Hazard were sitting on the chair looking at Jeongin with his mouth about to droll "You know, Anna wanted to your soul mate, Hyunjin, I thought that will be wasted so I just killed her and made her my breakfast" 

Hazard said chuckling, Jeongin who heard about that become furious and couldn't believe that Hazard do that to her "She's your sister" Hazard agree with Jeongin but he know, he just wanted a power "She is but I wanted a power to killed your family so I could rule the world and drink many human blood" Hazard laugh 

"Well then, let's not waste our time" said Hazard give the guard a signal to take Jeongin and bought it to him. Hyunjin keep staring at Hazard and keep moving to free himself same as Seungmin and Felix but then Seungmin saw Bang Chan were giving him a signal, Seungmin understand the signal and nod himself "Come here, little human boy"


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