"He's here"

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Jeongin feel even hurt, he hold his neck try to hold the pain. Hyunjin notice Jeongin were in pain, he take out something from his pocket and give it to Jeongin "Here, it for your neck" said Hyunjin didn't look at Jeongin "O-oh, thank you" Jeongin said take the cream from Hyunjin hand but when he touch Hyunjin hand, it feel cold like an ice 

"Your hand" Hyunjin quickly put his hand away and walked away without saying goodbye to Jeongin. It made Jeongin look at Hyunjin with a speechless face "Yo, how was it with Hyunjin" said Rose out of nowhere making Jeongin flinch "You scare me, you stupid" said Jeongin pat his heart again, Woo Yun and Rose just laugh when seeing how Jeongin react when Rose scare him

"Its not too friendly or too fun" said Jeongin with an upset face, Woo Yun just pat Jeongin back softly "Its alright, almost every students inside of this class said the same thing" said Woo Yun nodding his head same as Rose "What you got there" "Oh, its a cream for my neck. Hyunjin give it to me" said Jeongin look at the cream with a smile 

Meanwhile Rose and Woo Yun look at each other with a surprised face "H-He give it to you" said Rose with a shocked face "Yes, is something wrong with this cream" said Jeongin quickly sniff the cream "N-no, its fine. You want me put it for you" said Rose offer a help to Jeongin "Yes, thank you" Rose put the cream gently on the scar without making Jeongin feel hurt 


"I already told you to bought that cream not this cream" said Changbin with an angry tone "I'm so sorry, it was too dark in there" said Alex while keep apologize to Changbin, Lee Know and Bang Chan then they heard a loud bang from the living room "He's here" said Lee Know already prepare a popcorn 

"Alex, why are you so stupid when it come to save people" said Hyunjin while walking inside the living room "Hyunjin, calm down. It was just a mistake" said Felix trying to calm Hyunjin down "Just a mistake, his scar look so painful and he almost lost his life" Hyunjin said while giving a glare at Alex

Seungmin and Jisung just shake their head with a disappointment, Alex just look down feeling sorry to Jeongin. Hyunjin push his long hair back trying to calm his anger down before he could rip Alex apart, Bang Chan could feel that danger about to come so he come to save the situation "You as our assistant, you should do the job properly before I transfer you to another job"

 Bang Chan look at Alex with a serious face, Alex know what Bang Chan mean and quickly nod her head "Yes, I will do it the job properly after this" said Alex still look down on the floor, Hyunjin sigh then walked away, bumping to Alex and give her a glare "This is the first time I saw Hyunjin this angry" 


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