"Jeongin, are you hiding something from me"

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Meanwhile In The Car

"Hey, you can't cheat" Jisung said slapping Changbin hand, Changbin hissed in pain "No, I didn't played dirty" Changbin said show Jisung his uno card then they both start fighting "I'm never going to played with you" Jisung said, looking outside of the window "Hmph, like I cared" Changbin too looking outside of the window 

One Year Later 

Jeongin and Hyunjin were sitting at the dining room while Mr. Yang looking at Hyunjin with suspicious face "So, Jeongin, why did you bring your friend again" asked Mr. Yang eating his food, Jeongin looked at Hyun nervously then at Mr. Yang "Dad, I'm going to tell you this but please don't freak out or panicked, okay" 

Jeongin said didn't look at Mr. Yang making Mr. Yang stop eating and looking at Jeongin with suspicious face "Jeongin, are you hiding something from me" Mr. Yang said looked at Hyunjin then at Jeongin "Dad, let me talk" Jeongin take a deep breath and look at Mr. Yang eyes "Dad, I'm...gay" 

When Mr. Yang heard what Jeongin said quickly drop his spoon and his jaw dropped "Dad, pleas-" Mr. Yang show Jeongin a hand making Jeongin look down, Hyunjin hold Jeongin hand to make him feel a little less scared and nervous "You gay and this is the guy" Mr. Yang asked looked at Hyunjin, Jeongin nod his head 

"Yes, he's my boyfriend" Jeongin didn't look at Mr. Yang, Hyunjin know that its better for Mr. Yang and Jeongin have their moment "I will wait outside" Hyunjin said walking outside of the dining room, the dining room fill with awkward "Is this true" Mr. Yang said looked at Jeongin with a soft eyes, Jeongin nod his head 

Mr. Yang stand up and hug Jeongin tightly and sigh "I'm okay with it as long as you happy" Mr. Yang said making Jeongin feel happy and hug Mr. Yang tightly "Thank you, Dad. Really" Jeongin tried to hold his tears "He seem a good guy" Mr. Yang said when seeing how Hyunjin understand the situation "He is, he's truly is" 


:: Hi, readers. This is the last chapter of this story, I hope you guys had fun reading this even thought there have a mistake in it but I just wanted to said, thank you so much and hope you guys have the best life of your life 

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