"You smell delicious"

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Jeongin P.O.V 

I try to calm myself down and try to think something before calling dad. I took the flashlight and point it out of my window, I courage myself to look even thought I'm scared like hell right now. When I torch the light outside of my window, I see no one. I kind of feel relieve but still wonder how can someone come inside of my room when I already locked the window

Maybe I'm the one who didn't lock the window, I sometimes forget. I just let it slide and change my clothes but then I heard the door open. I just ignored it because I know dad got back from work but he always shouted when he's arrive home. I wear my clothes then walked downstairs to check dad but the living room is dark and so quite 

Suddenly I had a goose bump, I walked towards the switch and on the light but it didn't work "What's wrong with this switch" I sigh in frustration then I feel someone behind me, I try to stay calm then slowly look behind me. When I look behind, a tall man had a sharp teeth and a long nails looking at me

"You smell delicious" said this tall man, I try to look around to see if there is a hard things or anything so I could protect myself with it but I guess its too late. He already attack me and his sharp teeth are already touching my neck, its hurt. I try to push him away as I could feel the pain become even more hurt 

"N-no" I could feel my tears fallen down from my eyes as I close my eyes but then, I  feel my body got pick up. I open my eyes and found the tall man already passed out, my sight are blurry. I couldn't see who the person pick me up. I tried to look at that person carefully but my head feel so heavy that I passed out right away 

End Jeongin P.O.V 

"How was he" "He's fine but keep an eye on him after this. Looks like, they found out about this kid" He said while looking at the tall guy then made way out of Jeongin house "Made sure he forgot about what happened today" "Yes, Sir" He walked out of the house then vanished away from her sight 

She made Jeongin drink something then take care of Jeongin house and the tall man. Before she walked away, she made sure everything is in their place. She took last glance at Jeongin then walked away


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