"Tell me, when that guy going to come"

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"Come in" Lina walked inside Hazard room and bow to him "What do you want" said Hazard while drinking a blood from the human "Sir,  your little sister is here"said Lina, open the door. Hazard quickly stand up and wipe his mouth with a napkin "My baby girl, what bring you here"

Said Hazard hugging Anna with a big smile, Anna who don't look happy quickly let go of Hazard "What's wrong, why don't you look happy" asked Hazard with an upset face "When are you going to make Hyunjin and that little boy break apart" said Anna who couldn't take anymore when watching them together 

Hazard who worry for nothing, smile at Anna and touch Anna face "Anna, my little princess. You have to wait because soon enough, I will make your wish come true" said Hazard who already imagine how Hyunjin face will look when he killed Jeongin "So you go back to your room and chill your mind down" 

Said Hazard with a smile, Anna obey to Hazard and made way towards her room. Hazard watch his little sister vanished away from his sight, he walked back towards his seat and look at Lina with a sharp eyes "Tell me, when that guy going to arrive" asked Hazard, Lina quickly open the door "Did you just called me" 


Jeongin just watching the television with a popcorn in his hands while waiting for Rose to come out from the bathroom. While Jeongin watching the television, his phone suddenly ringing making him jump and all the popcorn fell over on the floor. Jeongin quickly pick his called while picking the popcorn that on the floor "Hello" 

"Hey, Jeongin" said Hyunjin with soft tone "Oh, Hyunjin. You scared me, you know" said Jeongin who really done getting scared everyday "Oh, did I. I didn't know, I'm sorry" said Hyunjin with an upset tone "Its fine, its not your fault so why did you called me" said Jeongin sitting down on the couch after finish picking the popcorn 

"Why, am I not allowed to called you" said Hyunjin who act like he upset "Of course not, its just weird because you never called me at this late night" said Jeongin who understand that Hyunjin didn't want to bother him because Hyunjin know he was sleeping at this hour except today because Rose coming over

"That might be right. I called you because, are you free tomorrow" asked Hyunjin hoping Jeongin have a free time "Yeah, of course" when Jeongin said that, Hyunjin scream silently "Well, okay then. Be ready at ten, I'm going to take you somewhere" said Hyunjin with a smile on his face

Before Jeongin wanted to say anything, Hyunjin already end the called. Jeongin wonder where Hyunjin going to take him too. Jeongin heard the bathroom door open, he quickly off his phone and act like nothing happened "What happened" asked Rose take a sit beside Jeongin and eat some popcorn "Just that" said Jeongin eating the popcorn 


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