"Oh my god, I can't believe he just do that"

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Jeongin were talking with Rose and Anna before they get inside the school. As they were talking and laughing, Jeongin saw Hyunjin get out from his car along with Seungmin, Jisung and Felix. Jeongin remember about the cream that Hyunjin give it to him "Excuse me for a second" said Jeongin walked towards Hyunjin to give him the cream back 

When he was walking, Jeongin made sure he look left and right but a car suddenly lost control and were drove towards Jeongin. Jeongin saw the car and didn't have time to dodge the car so he just close his eyes and facing his back to the car but someone hug him and protect him from the car. Jeongin open his eyes, he look behind and saw Hyunjin were stopping the car with bare hands 

Hyunjin saw Jeongin arm were bleeding making him panicked, he quickly stand up and run away far away from Jeongin "Oh my god, I couldn't believe he just do that" Jisung said in disbelief meanwhile Seungmin sigh in frustration "Felix, go take care of the car and the driver and Jisung, go after him" 

"Roger that" said Jisung and Felix, they both start doing what Seungmin told them to meanwhile Seungmin, he start using his power towards all the students inside of this school that saw the accident. When everything done, Seungmin sigh in relief "This friends of mine are always making trouble" said Seungmin with a done face 

Jeongin got treat in the hospital even thought its only a little stretch from the accident then he heard Mr. Yang called his name in panicked tone "Oh, god. Jeongin, are you okay" said Mr. Yang checking Jeongin in every place "Dad, I'm fine" said Jeongin push Mr. Yang hand away from his face "Where the boy, let me talked to him" "Dad, stop. Its just an accident"  

"Just an accident, what if you really got hurt, what am I going to do from now on" said Mr. Yang with a worry face, Jeongin just chuckled and hug Mr. Yang tightly "I'm okay now, dad" said Jeongin with a relief tone "I know" Mr. Yang hug Jeongin back but carefully "I will wait outside" said Mr. Yang when the doctor come to check on Jeongin "Okay" 

Jeongin watch Mr. Yang walked out from the room meanwhile the doctor check on him but Jeongin still didn't forget how Hyunjin save him from the accident. He don't know why but he find it curious and weird because he feel Hyunjin hand so cold, he saw how he catch the ball even thought he didn't saw it and he just pushed the car with a bare hand 

Its supposed to be broken when someone did that and he saw how Hyunjin look when he look at his arm and vanished away from his sight after he save him. Jeongin really think its not making any sense but what he can say, he saw it with his own eyes. If he tell everyone, no one going to believe him same as Mr. Yang so he just keep it by himself and tried to think positively


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