In The Hospital

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In Hospital

They rushed her through to A&E

Sabahattin: Has someone phoned Fekeli do we know where he is?
Cetin: He's at the factory! I'll go and get him

Cetin runs off to get Fekeli

Cinan Factory

Cetin pulls up and runs inside to find Fekeli

Cetin: Fekeli nerde? Fekeli now don't panic but Hünkar's in hospital she fell down the stairs and passed out she's bleeding a lot but Sabahattin is taking care of her.
Fekeli: Ne? How? Is she alright never mind let's go

They both left rushes to the hospital

Back at the Hospital

Fekeli: Sabahattin how is she? Is she awake did you stop the bleeding? Sabahattin please tell me!
Sabahattin: Fekeli she fine we stopped the bleeding but she is still unconscious but she will wake up. But we're still running tests.
Fekeli: Can I see her please?
Sabahattin: Of course. In you go.

He opened the door and Fekeli went in. He looked at her lying there with tubes coming out of her she was like a sleeping angel he sat down next to her on the bed and held her hand and kissed her.

Fekeli: Ah Hünkar what happened?

He started to cry as his tears dropped onto her hand she was beginning to wake

Hünkar: Mm... where am I... why are you crying... ow my head.
Fekeli: Huh your awake! Sabahattin come quick!
Hünkar: What happened? I remember calling for you then I fell down the stairs!

Sabahattin came in

Sabahattin: Hünkar iyi misin? Don't move you've lost a lot blood. Lie still, does anything hurt?
Hünkar: Iyiyim, iyiyim nothing apart from my head.
Sabahattin: Hünkar I'm glad your awake I've got your test results back and I'm glad your here too Fekeli.
Fekeli: There's nothing wrong is there? She's going to be ok isn't she.
Hünkar: Tamam Ali Rahmet let Sabahattin finish. Go on Sabahattin.
Hünkar: Not meaning to be rude or anything but when was the last you had a period?

Fekeli looked very shocked at the question being asked and looked at Hünkar who looked very confused

Hünkar: Em not for a while, about 4 months I thought I was going through the change why?
Sabahattin: Now don't be alarmed or panic but one of your test results came back positive. Have you been feeling unwell recently?
Hünkar: Em yes I have been of my food, really tired lately and feeling sick in the mornings why?
Sabahattin: Hünkar your pregnant.

They both looked at each other in shock and a bit confused at what they had just been told Fekeli squeezed her hand

Hünkar: Ne? I'm sorry try that again!
Sabahattin: We ran the test twice and it's definitely positive Hünkar congratulations.
Hünkar: But I'm too old, is the baby ok? How far along am I?
Fekeli: Yes Sabahattin is the baby ok?
Sabahattin: Well we don't know until we do a scan, but your about 4 months along.
Hünkar: That will explain why I've been feeling unwell the past couple of weeks, I wondered why I was getting bigger slightly as well I thought it was because of the rich food but I was wrong.
Fekeli: Wow Hünkar I've always dreamed of having a child with you. You've made me the happiest man in the world thank you.
Sabahattin: I'll leave you two alone and congratulations again I'll be back in a while.

Sabahattin left, Fekeli turned to Hünkar and kissed her

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