4 Days Later

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Hünkar is ready to take her mother home from the hospital

Hünkar: Are you ready Anne?
Hamine: Where are we going?
Hünkar: Home Anne we're going home, come let's go

She puts her mother in the wheel chair and Fekeli pushes it out to the car. They get in and drive off

Fekeli: I got a phone call from Demir there're going to stay for another couple of days to sort things out and Yilmaz is bringing his girlfriend over tonight for dinner tamam
Hünkar: I hope everything is ok with Zuleyha.  Oh his girlfriend would be nice to meet her I bet she's lovely
Fekeli: Well the way he talks about her, she could be the one
Hünkar: Aww that's lovely he deserves happiness after the pain I caused him, oh I hope your right. I can't wait to meet her

He took her hand and kissed it and held on to it

Fekeli: Right enough thinking about the past you can't change it we've moved on and so had Yilmaz. I'm really proud of him for the way he has changed towards you if I didn't know any better I'd say you put a spell on him!
Hünkar: Hahaha maybe I have
Fekeli: Well what ever you did it worked so thank you, I love you for it. You've made him a better man and so has this little girl

He rubbed her stomach

Hünkar: I know he is really excited about having a little sister, I'll be disappointed if she turns out to be a boy though
Fekeli: It doesn't matter as long as he or she is healthy that's all that matters

He took her hand again and kissed her They finally approached the house, he got out first then helped Hünkar out and then Hamine Yilmaz was waiting for her with the children and Nazirye

Yilmaz: Hos geldin Anne, Baba and Hamine
Hünkar: Hos bulduk oglum
Adnan: Babaanne, up up

Adnan came running towards her and jumped to get up

Hünkar: Adnan canim iyi misin? Babaannesinin I've missed you so much

She kissed him and hugged him tightly while Nazirye took care of Hamine and went inside to let her lie down

Fekeli: Evlat everything all right?
Yilmaz: Evet Baba I'll be picking up Mujgan tonight that's where I'm going now
Fekeli: Tamam I'll see you later
Hünkar: Drive safely please oglum

He gave Leyla to her and hugged her then left, Hünkar waved him off and went inside to have something to eat

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