Fekeli driving home

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Fekeli left the Ankara men and drove home to see his beloved His car pulled up outside

Fekeli: Cetin did Yilmaz bring her home?
Cetin: Evet she's in your sleeping and Yilmaz is sitting with Hamine
Fekeli: Tamam

He went inside

Yilmaz: Hos geldin Baba nasilsin? How did the meeting go ?
Fekeli: Merhaba iyiyim. I went ok although they were pretty angry because I wouldn't sell
Yilmaz: Really baba what did they say?
Fekeli: They made an empty threat about making me pay for this
Yilmaz: Baba I would be careful you never know what they will do there dangerous
Fekeli: Tamam evlat that's why I'm telling if anything should happen to me I entrust Hünkar and the baby to you, if anything should happen to me you will look after them tamam. They will be your responsibility
Yilmaz: Tamam baba I promise to look after them.

They hugged and Fekeli went upstairs to see Hünkar. He opened the door slightly and peeked inside, she was lying there like and angel he walked over quietly to the bed and down beside her. He snuggled up beside put one arm over her waist and on to her stomach to hold there baby

Fekeli: Merhaba canim nasilsin?
Hünkar: Merhaba iyiyim misin, better now I'm home
Fekeli: Me too, I love you canim.
Hünkar: I love you too. Where were you I thought you were picking me up.
Fekeli: I had business to take care of don't worry you were in good hands. Now I have a question to ask
Hünkar: Tamam what is the question.
Fekeli: Are you going to tell me what really happened between you and Yilmaz the other day?
Hünkar: We were in a accident
Fekeli: Hünkar, I know my son to well, what really happened I promise I won't be mad
Hünkar: Go and get Yilmaz we will tell it together tamam.

He helped her up and they both went downstairs and sat in the living room

Hünkar: Fadik... Fadik... Ah kizim take Hamine into the garden please for some fresh air
Fadik: Tamam hanim

Hünkar sat next to Yilmaz and took his hand

Yilmaz: What is it?
Hünkar: Your Baba figured out we were lying to him he wants to know what actually happened. I we should tell him together tamam.
Yilmaz: Tamam Anne let me tell him I should take responsibility.
Fekeli: So what actually happened evlat? I promised I wouldn't get mad, now tell me

As Yilmaz began telling what happened tears started dropping down his face Hünkar noticed and took his hand she started crying also

Yilmaz: I was so angry at the fact you do this to me baba I was going to to shoot her, I took her to the old shed and pointed my gun towards her and I was about to shoot when told me she was pregnant and that's when I stopped and realised that I was wrong to do what I did, it's all my fault... Affet anne. Özür dilerim

Hünkar cuddled him and just looked at Fekeli who was also crying

Hünkar: Tamam oglum... Tamam shh it's ok shh
Fekeli: Oh evlat it's ok

They sat like that for while u til they had all stopped crying

Hünkar: I think it's time we told everyone about the baby
Fekeli: Tamam that's a great idea, when do you want to do it?
Hünkar: Today let's not wait. You tell them while I go and tell Saniye, Gulten and rest tamam, but first I need to Anne. Do you mind giving me a minute alone please with Anne
Fekeli: Tamam canim, evlat gel

They left and Hünkar sat next to her mother

Hünkar: Anne canim... Anne uyan canim
Hamine: Hmmm... ah benim tatli kizim what's up?
Hünkar: Annecanim I have something to tell you. I'm pregnant Anne you going to be a granny again and Demir is going to be a brother as is Yilmaz Anne canim
Hamine: Hamilesin. Ah I'm so happy your having a baby Adnan will be so happy it's about time you've been married for months and nothing
Hünkar: Anne canim I'm not married to Adnan anymore he died, I married Ali Rahmet remember?
Hamine: Ah Ali Rahmet Fekeli the poor boy I don't want you marrying him
Hünkar: Annecanim stop lutfen, i love Ali Rahmet I married him for love and I'm having his baby tamam Anne.

She left a bit angry she went to join Fekeli outside he gathered all his staff

Fekeli: Attention everyone I have something, I mean we have something to tell you all. Everyone Hünkar is pregnant we're having a baby.
Everyone: Tebrikler, tebrikler

They all cheered

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