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Hünkar started crying as she rushed over to him as he collapsed on the floor she held him Mujgan grabbed the napkins as everyone rushed to help

Hünkar: Ah what happened?
Fekeli: Hünkar...
Hünkar: No don't please stay awake

He was unconscious Mujgan started pressing napkins into his wound Hünkar started crying more Demir ran out to the car and started it

Mujgan: Yilmaz we have to get him to hospital quick çabuk. Hünkar hanim let him go we need to carry him tamam

She was crying Zuleyha helped her up as Yilmaz and Demir carried him to the car, with Zuleyha bringing Hünkar

Zuleyha: Yilmaz I'll drive your car you go with them tamam

They all got in the cars and drove off quickly to hospital

Zuleyha: Sakin ol Anne, sakin ol please think about the baby.
Hünkar: Tamam kizim

She was taking deep breaths to calm herself. They arrived at hospital they got out quickly, Mujgan was doing CPR on him

Demir: Yardim edin çabuk

Doctors came running out with a stretcher, Hünkar was beside herself with worry she followed them inside trying to run which didn't work

Mujgan: Take him straight through, prep him immediately
Nurse: Tamam. Dur sorry but you can't come any further sorry

She stopped Hünkar from coming and closer, as she stood there her heart broke

Hünkar: Ah allah askina ya
Zuleyha: Sakin ol Anne gel otur

She stood there staring at the operating room doors, she went to move but felt quite dizzy and almost fainted luckily Demir and Yilmaz caught her

Zuleyha: Anne iyi misin? Your very pale come sit down now!
Demir: Tamam Anne gel otur

They guided her to the seat and sat her down, she was very pale and looked tired

Zuleyha: Anne have you slept today at all?
Hünkar: Hayir, honest I'm fine
Demir: Anne you've almost fainted your tired
Yilmaz: Demir is right Anne you need to rest and start taking it easy, you've not got long left to go remember what the Dr said

Demir looked at him strangely

Demir: What did the Dr say what's happening?
Hünkar: Hiçbir sey
Yilmaz: Ya Anne... the Dr said she has to take it easy as the baby could come early

Demir looked at her as she sat in chair

Demir: Anne why didn't you say anything this is serious
Hünkar: Becasue Demir I didn't want to worry you. You have your own family now you should be worrying about them...
Zuleyha: Anne regardless weather or not we have a family we love and care about you and this little girl

She put a hand in her tummy and rubbed it as did the boys

Demir and Yilmaz: So do I

She smiled at them all, suddenly a nurse came running out and past them without saying anything

Hünkar: What's happening? Is he going to be alright?
Nurse: We don't know, he needs blood now

Hünkar grabbed both her boys hands and cried to she ended up on the floor crying in the arms of both her sons hugging her and Zuleyha behind hugging her a they waited for news about Ali Rahmet

3 hours had passed and no news waiting for news is hard and draining, Mujgan comes out
They all get up

Hünkar: Mujgan kizim, please give me news anything? Is he alive?

Mujgan took her hands and sat her back down and held her hands tight and took a breath

Hünkar: Mujgan kizim, please just tell me
Mujgan: He's alive barely
Hünkar: Çok sükür 

She started crying and cuddled into her

Mujgan: But he died twice on the table we just saved him and no more tamam, but he is alive that's the main thing
Hünkar: Sagol kizim, you saved his life thank you
Yilmaz: What happened?
Mujgan: He has appeared to been shot
Hünkar and Demir: Shot! How
Mujgan: We won't know until he wakes up tamam
Hünkar: Thanks again kizim, can I see him please

She asked as she rubbed her stomach

Mujgan: Evet come this way hang on to me
Hünkar: Tamam

She got up and walked to wards the room where he was and entered. She looked through the glass and seen him lying there tubes and wires all over him he looked like death, she burst into tears and slowly slid down the window but Mujgan caught her

Mujgan: Sakin ol Hünkar hanim he's ok look, he's alive
Hünkar: I know I'm so glad but I'm just a bit emotional I'm tired of bad things happening to this family that's all

Mujgan gave her a hug and sat her on a seat and held her

Hünkar: You better get back to your fiancé and your home, go I'll be fine honest I'm just gonna pop in and see him tamam
Mujgan: I will once I help you into scrubs, your covered in blood let's get you changed ok

Mujgan left to get scrubs

Hünkar: Tamam... arghh... oh...

She said as she stood up, she gripped the chair and rubbed her stomach

Hünkar: Ah allah askina ya, I know your tired just a little while longer at least until I see baba tamam canim

She stood still for minute it passed

Hünkar: Canim not yet wait until baba is healed please

Mujgan walked back in

Mujgan: Here we go let's get you... are you ok? Here sit down
Hünkar: Kizim I'm fine... really I don't need...
Mujgan: Lutfen  you've been on your feet all day and your tired, your worried and stressed this isn't good for the baby. After you've seen him I'm sending you home for sleep and rest tamam no arguments
Hünkar: Hayir. Who will stay with him? I need to be here incase something happens
Mujgan: I promise I won't leave him I'll stay
Hünkar: I can't ask you to do that, what about your other patients?
Mujgan: They'll manage

Hünkar looked at her and smiled then agreed as she held her hand

Hünkar:  Tamam only if your sure
Mujgan: Evet I am, then it's settled I will stay and phone if something happens. But right now I'm helping you then sending you home

Hünkar nodded and got changed into her scrubs so she could sit with Ali Rahmet, she took his hand tight and cried

Hünkar: Ah canim benim what happened to you? Who would do something like his, I can't imagine my life with out you again I was so lonely before and now the thought of losing you kills me. Please come back to me, come back to us your family needs you, I need you this baby will not grow up with out a father do you here me!  Please come back to me, I... I love you

She kissed his hand then face then left for home to rest

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