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Fekeli: Wow a child with you I'm so happy. You've made me the happiest man ever.
Hünkar: How am I going to tell Demir I'm really worried how he will take the news and what about Yilmaz we haven't even told him we're married yet ah Allah askina!
Fekeli: Do you want me to phone for Demir?
Hünkar: Yes please I better tell him myself.

Just at that the door opened and Demir and Zuleyha walked in

Demir: Anne ne oldu? Iyi misin?
Hünkar: Iyiyim Demir, but I have something to tell you. Sit down both of you please.
Zuleyha: Anne is everything alright? Your not ill are you?
Hünkar: Tamam camin I passed out and fell down the stairs but I'm ok just bumped me head. But there is something we need to tell you, the reason I passed out is because I'm pregnant.

Both Demir and Zuleyha looked at each other

Demir: Ne? How... well I know how but pregnant are you sure?
Hünkar: Evet
Zuleyha: Ah Anne I'm happy for you

Zuleyha moved and hugged her while Demir just looked at Fekeli

Demir: Wow Anne is the baby ok? Nothings wrong is there?
Fekeli: Hayir. We don't actually know yet there was a lot of blood though so we're still waiting.
Demir: Congratulations Anne, I always wanted a sister.

He got up and hugged his mother then shook Fekeli's hand

Hünkar: I will ask one thing of you. Please don't tell anyone yet as Fekeli needs to tell Yilmaz and if he finds out from you there will be blood ok, promise me Demir!
Demir: I promise Anne.
Zuleyha: Tamam Anne me too.

They both hugged her again and sat with her a while then left

3 hours later

Sabahattin walks in with more results

Sabahattin: Hünkar we have your other results back, you seem to have a small tare in your placenta that's what caused the bleeding we will take you along to the scan room to see how the baby is doing ok.
Hünkar: Tamam
Fekeli: Am I aloud to come?
Sabahattin: Not usually but I'll allow it this time. Tamam let's go

They wheeled the bed through to the scan room

Sabahattin: Everything looks fine Hünkar it's only a small tare it will heal it's self ok. So no need to worry ok.
Hünkar: Tamam Sabahattin tesekkür ederim am I able to go home now please?
Fekeli: Hünkar you can't go home you've got concussion! Sabahattin tell her lutfen
Sabahattin: You can go home but you are under strict rules and you are on bed rest I'm afraid.
Fekeli: Ne?
Hünkar: That sounds delightful, I just want to see my mother I miss her and sleep. Tamam Ali Rahmet I'll be fine.

They take her back to her room to get ready to go home while Sabahattin arranges the discharge forms

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