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Hünkar and Mujgan were in the kitchen deciding what food to cook for the wedding when there was a bang at the door Hünkar went to answer it

Hünkar: Can I help you?
Man: Büyük hanim I'm looking for Yilmaz, there's been an incident in the field
Hünkar: Tamam oglum I think he is in the barn or round the back. Is it serious?
Man: Someone ran over Halima with the tractor we need a doctor
Hünkar: Mujgan kizim!

Mujgan appeared

Hünkar:There's been an accident you are needed could you go and help
Mujgan: Evet Anne I'll get my bag, you go and lie down you look tired I will be back soon

As they were leaving Hünkar noticed a strange car at the top of the drive way the car noticed they had been spotted and drove off. She thought nothing else of it and went off up to bed

3 hours later

Yilmaz and Mujgan were coming home from the hospital

Hünkar: Hos geldin oglum, kizim. How was Halima?
Yilmaz: Hos bulduk Anne yeah she ok she's going to be out of action for a while so I offered to take care of her kids and have them stay in the bedroom next Mujgan if that's ok Anne?
Hünkar: Evet oglum good idea. Um before you there was a strange car at the top road just before Mujgan left. Then they left drove away pretty quickly it's like they were watching house.

Yilmaz stood there looking worried he stepped forward and hugged her then took her hands in his

Yilmaz: Anne don't worry I will never let harm come you or my little sister again asla. We will stop anyone who tries to hurt you. Me, Demir and Baba we will protect both of you tamam.

She nodded and wiped her eyes, as Yilmaz put his hand on her stomach feeling the baby move he smiled

Yilmaz: Can you help Mujgan settle the kids I need to tell Baba and phone Demir?
Hünkar: Evet. It was a black car it was missing a wing mirror and had scratches on the side, big ones.

He nodded then kissed her cheek and walked up the stairs to the office.

Hünkar: Your big brother canim has changed into such a caring man. He would do anything to keep us safe.

Seconds later the baby replied with a strong kick. She rubbed her tummy and went to find Mujgan.

Once there she knocked on the door and walked in, setting herself on the bed beside the children and Mujgan.

Hünkar: Oh benim küçük olanlar. Gel buraya, your Anne will be fine she getting better already. You don't need to worry we will look after you sevgililerim. Now come on let's get you two bathed and ready for bed tamam. Mujgan can you go ask Nazirye to make something for the children for supper something filling please.
Mujgan: Evet Anne, I'll see if I can find some clothes for them tamam.

Hünkar nodded then went into the bathroom to run a bath for them. Once it was full she stripped both of them then put them in.

Hünkar: Sevgililerim let's wash your hair then  I'll help you washed gel.

The children giggled and laughed as they noticed the bubbles and played with them it wasn't until she was washing the them she noticed bruises and marks covered their legs and back.

Hünkar: Gülsha canim how did you get these? Lutfen tell me, you won't be in trouble I promise.

Both of them looked at each other and turned back to her tears in their eyes

Gülsha: Baba ve annem bunu bize yaptı. He comes home drunk all the time, she usually does while he is out then but when he comes home he does it to.
Hünkar: Do they? Well that won't happen anymore canim asla. Söz veriyorum

She kissed there heads and finished washing them then pulled the plug and dried them. Mujgan came back in and put the clothes on the bed

Mujgan: I'm back... what's the matter?
Hünkar: The children are covered in bruises and marks can you have a look at them please?

She nodded and checked over the children one by one. Some scars are recent and the rest older but nothing was broken so that was good

Mujgan: They are ok but they need more food and sleep but apart from that there're fine Anne
Hünkar: Tamam kizim. Now how about we go see what food we can eat gel... Oh ah canim your hungry too I see.

She rubbed her ever growing tummy, Gülsha and Mehmet stood watching and walked to her

Gülsha: Is there a baby in your tummy?
Mehmet: Can I feel please? Please?

She laughed and smiled at both of them took both there hands to her tummy to feel the baby

Hünkar: Now if you wait she'll move again... uh there did you feel it?

Both: Yeah!

Gülsha: Merhaba bebeğim

Hünkar smiled and kissed both their heads and  hugged them close

Hünkar: Canim how old are you?
Gülsha: I'm 5 and Mehmet is 3

Hünkar held them close and let a stray tear fall then she looked at Mujgan and smiled she was planning something but first she had to speak to Fekeli and Yilmaz

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