Searching for Hamine

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Hünkar: Anne! Anne... nerdesin? Anne, Anne... nerdesin? Ah allah askina ya Anne!
Zuleyha: Hamine! Hamine... nerdesin hamine?

Hünkar stopped and lent against a tree to rest she was getting tired

Zuleyha: Iyi misin Anne? I think we should head back Anne your to tired to continue!
Hünkar: Hayir iyiyim. I can't leave her out here it's too cold and she'll be confused
Zuleyha: Anne lutfen don't stress or worry yourself but I think we should stop.
Hünkar: Hayir 10 more minuets. Ok you go that way I'll go this way then we can walk back together tamam.
Zuleyha: Tamam Anne but only 10 minutes then we go

They split up and went different ways

Hünkar: Anne! Anne nerdesin? Anne is that you

She spotted something lying on the ground she hurried over

Hünkar: Anne! Ah Anne iyi misin? Zuleyha! Zuleyha! Yardim edin Zuleyha. Tamam Anne what have you done to yourself.

She was lying bleeding Hünkar took off her jacket and put it over her just then Zuleyha came running over

Zuleyha: Tamam Anne there's still a pulse we have to get her to hospital now
Hünkar: Tamam kizim. Ah Anne you'll be ok, don't you leave me I can't live without you ok.
Zuleyha: Yardim edin! Here's Demir he's coming
Demir: Anne, Zuleyha iyi misin? Ah Hamine right let's go now

Demir picked her up and carried her to car

Hünkar: Zuleyha help me up please slowly
Zuleyha: Tamam Anne gel

She helped her up slowly and headed for the car

Demir: Gaffur! Gaffur! Tell Raci to meet us at the hospital!
Zuleyha: I'll get in the front, Anne u go in the back tamam.
Hünkar: Tamam. Ah ow

Zuleyha looked at Hünkar had stopped to catch her breath but the truth she was in a little bit pain

Zuleyha: Iyi misin Anne?
Hünkar: Iyiyim kizim just sore. Let's hurry çabuk.

She sat in the back with her mother caressing her face and applying pressure to her arm to stop the bleeding

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