Mother DaughterTime

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Hünkar: Have you heard about Yilmaz?
Zuleyha: No why?
Hünkar: No don't be upset but I'm afraid he's met someone.
Zuleyha: Has he, that's great who is she?
Hünkar: Her name is Mujgan she a Dr she works at the hospital. Her dad also works at the hospital as well.
Zuleyha: Oh well I hope he is happy, he deserves it
Hünkar: Yeah he does.
Zuleyha: Anne how is Yilmaz towards has the anger and hate stopped?
Hünkar: Evet. Tamam it has I treat him like I would Demir, he really has changed and I'm glad
Zuleyha: So are you going to tel me what actually happened between you and Yilmaz the other day cause you and I both know that the story you told wasn't the truth
Hünkar: Thats what happened
Zuleyha: Anne please don't lie to me

She took her hand and held it

Zuleyha: Anne please I'm worried about you did he hurt you Anne?

Zuleyha had tears in her eyes Hünkar looked at

Hünkar: No he didn't but he wanted too, he came to the house that day and was ready to kill me. He took me to the car and drove off off to some abandoned shed but I was telling part of the truth we were in a small accident he was speeding, but it was an accident tamam. When we got to the shed we went in we had it out, we spoke about things... he wanted shoot me we talked some more he pulled the clip was about to shoot till he noticed I put my hand on my stomach he put the gun away then I told him I was pregnant, he cried and cried he was so sorry we made up we were about to leave and I started bleeding that's how I ended up in hospital. You he didn't do anything to me kizim you don't need to worry.

She looked over to Zuleyha who was crying, trying to wipe away tears

Zuleyha: Really Anne your sure he won't try it again? I mean he's unpredictable at times
Hünkar: Tamam kizim he won't he loves his family and loves the thought of having a brother or sister, he really has changed. He even started calling me Anne
Zuleyha: I know I heard, I was really shocked when he came out with that in the hospital, you should have seen Demir's face
Hünkar: Hahaha I know I seen it he was stunned at that haha
Zuleyha: Tamam Anne I'm glad we had a chance to talk about everything
Hünkar: Me too, I said it to Yilmaz I wish to apologise for ruining your life, I should have never of done it and if I could turn back the clock I would give my own life to repair the damage I've caused but I can't I am truly sorry forgive me kizim.
Zuleyha: Ah Anne I already did.I know now the reason you did this was for Demir his happiness and if you had I wouldn't have Leyla Anne your forgiven

They hug each other she was getting up from the chair when she felt a pain

Hünkar: Right well I better get back tamam. Argh... Oh... Argh!
Zuleyha: Anne ne oldu?  Iyi misin? Anne answer me!
Hünkar: Tamam. Tamam it's just the baby moving tamam.

She slowly stood up straight with Zuleyha helping her

Zuleyha: Can I have feel please Anne?
Hünkar: Tamam kizim here feel
Zuleyha: ahah I do t feel anything
Hünkar: She missed have stopped now, I just, the last time that happened was over 30 years ago when I was pregnant with Demir.
Zuleyha: What was it like when you were pregnant with Demir? Was it different compared to now?
Hünkar: Evet. I was really sick with Demir this one is different, I must be heading home now tamam.
Zuleyha: Tamam Anne see you soon.

They and kiss them she walks her outside to her car and leaves

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