Bad News

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They arrived at the hospital they all got out Hünkar was trying to lift Hamine when Yilmaz helped her and Cetin

Hünkar: Yardim edin! Çabuk

They came running out with a gurney and put older on it then rushed inside to the room Sabahattin following them and Hünkar coming behind

Sabahattin: What happened?
Hünkar: I don't know she wandered of and took Adnan with her they were in the cabin. Yilmaz found her bleeding
Sabahattin: Tamam

He patted her shoulder and looked at her skirt and shirt it was covered in blood she was crying and worried. She was standing in the middle of the corridor sobbing into her hands when Fekeli stood beside her and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer

Fekeli: Tamam canim... tamam. You just cry all you want it's ok. What happened? Why didn't anybody look for me?
Hünkar: I don't know I phoned the office they said you weren't there but Yilmaz was.
Fekeli: Tamam
Hünkar: She just wandered off with Adnan I went to kitchen to make Leyla a bottle and come back to nothing I thought they were outside playing but they weren't anywhere. Then everyone went to look for them so I went out and found them with Yilmaz and Cetin and we came here

She continued crying and Fekeli guided her to the chair where she sat

Fekeli: Tamam canim sakin ol. Just sit and calm down, try rest as well your tired I see you've been out walking
Hünkar: Tamam

Just then Sabahattin came running out with Hamine heading towards the operating room with nurses following, Hünkar struggled to stand quickly

Hünkar: Sabahattin what's happening? What's wrong?
Sabahattin: She's bleeding from the brain it's bad

They rushed past leaving Hünkar a mess screaming and crying with Fekeli trying to comfort her

Fekeli: Tamam Hünkar, tamam it's ok shh shh... Sakin ol, tamam
Hünkar: She's gonna die, it's all my fault why did I leave her alone none of this would've happened

She fell to her knees and sobbed a nurse came running out covered in blood

Hünkar: Ne oldu?
Nurse: She needs more blood

Hünkar cried and cried and the only Fekeli could do was sit beside rocking her from side to side comforting her as he watched the woman he loved slowly die from the inside at the fact she might lose her beloved mother.

3 Hours Later

Hünkar was sitting dazed in the chair as if nothing else mattered she was lost in her thoughts until she was startled by the operating doors opening

Hünkar: Sabahattin how is she did she make it? Speak tell me is she alive?

She glanced at Fekeli then at Sabahattin and grabbed his arm for support and comfort

Sabahattin: Evet she is still alive but barely
Hünkar: What do you mean barely? She's going to be ok though right?

Sabahattin took her hands and urged her to sit down he held her hands tightly

Sabahattin: Hünkar she has had a massive bleed on the brain, she is in a critical condition we have to way the odds out.

She was really emotional and trying to catch her breath

Hünkar: So your saying she might not make it is that it? Ah allah askina ya this is all my fault
Sabahattin: Tamam... this isn't your fault and yes she might not make through the night the next 48 hours is crucial tamam. I am really sorry just stay strong

She nodded and he hugged her then she turned to Ali Rahmet and melted into his embrace and cried

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