Bringing Hamine home

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Hünkar: Anne are you ready to go home?
Hamine: Evet take me home now
Hünkar: Tamam Anne we're just waiting on Sabahattin bringing the discharge forms Tamam.

She looked at the door waiting for it to open

Hünkar: Ah Sabahattin is Annes papers
Sabahattin: Evet you just need to sign

She went to stand but sat down again as she felt dizzy

Sabahattin: Iyi misin Hünkar?
Hünkar: Iyiyim where do I sign

She took the papers and signed then Sabahattin left

Hünkar: Ready Anne let's go
Hamine: Are we going home?
Hünkar: Tamam Annecanim let's go

Raci took one arm of Hamine while Hünkar took the other and left for home

At the Mansion

Zuleyha, Sanyie, Gulten and Fadik are waiting for Hamine to arrive as the car pulls up

Zuleyha: Geçmis olsun Hamine iyi misin?
Hamine: Iyiyim just tired I want to go to bed
Hünkar: Tamam Anne Fadik, Gulten put Hamine to bed please

The nodded and took Hamine to bed

Zuleyha: Iyi misin Anne?
Hünkar: Iyiyim kizim just glad she is ok, I'm going to get something to you want to come
Zuleyha: Hayir I'm going into Adana with Adnan and Leyla Gulten is coming with me
Hünkar: Tamam kizim enjoy yourself, I think I will go and lie down for a bit tamam
Zuleyha: Take it easy Anne your suppose to be resting tamam

She hugged her and kissed her then Hünkar went inside and upstairs to rest

Hünkar: Ah this is nice

She lays down on the bed and drifts of to sleep.

On a road somewhere

Meanwhile Yilmaz is driving like a mad man to try and get to Hünkar he pulls up at the back of the mansion and goes in looking for her he opens the kitchen door and walks in he searches the living room, then goes upstairs to her room stops at the door before opening it He walks in, he looks at her lying there asleep he drew his gun and walks over to the bed and wakes her

Hünkar: Huh... Yilmaz, Yilmaz why are you here? How did you get in?
Yilmaz: I came in through the kitchen. Get up, get up now and walk

She slowly got up from the bed one hand on her stomach discreetly, grabbed her jacket and walked to the door with Yilmaz following her gun still pointed at her

Hünkar: Yilmaz oglum don't do this please
Yilmaz: Sessiz keep walking go out the kitchen and out the back

H pushed the gun into her back to keep her walking

Hünkar: Tamam

He grabbed her arm and shoved her towards the car

Yilmaz: Get in now!
Hünkar: Why
Yilmaz: Get in now or I'll shoot you here

She was scared of what he might do if she didn't get in the car as she sat in the front he got on and drove off. Just at the that Fekeli's car screeched in through the gate

Fekeli: Hünkar nerde? Hünkar nerde? Ah allah askina ya Yilmaz what have you done with her

He ran up stairs to her to find it empty door wide open bed messy

Fekeli: Yilmaz what have you done evlat?

He ran back down stairs to bump into Sanyie

Sanyie: Fekeli what's up? Why are you here?
Fekeli: Hünkar nerde?
Sanyie: She went up stairs to rest
Fekeli: She isn't there I tried Hamine's room but she's not there she gone missing. I told Yilmaz about us and he went on a rampage I f
Don't know where he is
Sanyie: We have to tell Demir bey he'll know what to do tamam

Fekeli nodded reluctantly and got in his car and drove to Demir's work

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