Protecting Family

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Once Ali Rahmet has filled out the paperwork they were getting ready to go home, all of them but as they were leaving Fekeli spotted someone. On of the men from Ankara was walking towards them, they all drew guns

Fekeli: How dare you come here, to my home town
Hünkar: Ali Rahmet lutfen don't start trouble your not well, let's just go lutfen

He pushed Hünkar behind him to protect her and Yilmaz stood beside him also shielding her as Mujgan took her hand

Hünkar: Yilmaz, Ali Rahmet yapma lutfen. He's not worth it, let's just leave I don't want anymore trouble

She moved to be in front of Fekeli, the man kept moving closer they started arguing. Until Hünkar had enough and shoved the man from Ankara back

Hünkar: Yeter, bagirmaryi kes! Let's go now before someone ends up dead, Ali Rahmet lutfen! Yapma
Man from Ankara: Maybe you should listen to your wife and walk away like the coward you are!
Fekeli: How dare you...

Fekeli pushed forward and so did the man from Ankara but Hünkar pushed them apart Yilmaz pulled Fekeli back

Hünkar: Yeter artik!
Fekeli: You will regret what you just said...
Man from Ankara: and you will rue the day that you double crossed me. Bad things will happen to you, mark my words!

Then he walked away, Hünkar turned and walked with Fekeli to the car to get ready to go home

Fekeli's House

There cars pulled up in the drive way, Fekeli got out and marched up the stairs while Yilmaz helped Hünkar. He opened the door and headed straight for the office they were hot on his tail

Hünkar: Lutfen yapma.
Fekeli: Hünkar sus, this is for the family. I'm phoning everyone they will guard the house
Yilmaz: Baba stop we can protect the house and the family

He was phoning Demir and asking to borrow some men, Hünkar left she was too upset reason with him it was the first time he was t listening to her, she went to se where mother

Hünkar: Anne canim, how are you?
Hamine: Kimsin sen?
Hünkar: Anne it's me, Hünkar your daughter
Hamine: Ah I see I'm fine but Abdi Pasha isn't
he came in last night bleeding
Hünkar: Ha Anne it's ok, he's fine that wasn't Abdi Pasha that was Ali Rahmet my husband

Hamine liked puzzled and left the subject and shortly fell asleep after then Hünkar cuddled up beside her and fell asleep

2 hours later

Demir knocked on the door, Nazirye let him in

Nazirye: Hos geldin Demir bey
Demir: Sagol Nazirye, hos bulduk Fekeli nerde?
Nazirye: He's upstairs in the office

Demir nodded and left for upstairs he walked passed the living room and noticed his mother sleeping beside Hamine and went over to cover them with a blanket and proceeded upstairs

Fekeli: Hos geldin evlat, nasilsin?
Demir: Hos bulduk, iyiyim. Now what's been happening? Are you in danger!
Fekeli: Its a long story, I need your help
Demir: Of course but first tell me why your in trouble

So they started taking and Demir looked worried

Demir: They what, they shot you. Tamam is the family in danger
Fekeli: No they just want me don't worry your mother is safe Yilmaz will be with her everywhere she goes tamam
Demir: Tamam

They sat and talked and came up with a plan meanwhile Hünkar and Mujgan were sitting in the living discussing the wedding, and picking out dresses

Mujgan: Hünkar hanim, I seen the perfect dress for you it's purple and it's beautiful.
Hünkar: Mujgan, kizim please call me Anne your family now
Mujgan: Tamam Anne, oh what about this dress it's plain but nice and simple
Hünkar: Evet that's lovely it's not too showy and isn't to revealing. This takes me back to when I was a young girl looking for my wedding dress

Mujgan looked at her she could se the sadness in her eyes, she held her hand

Mujgan: I would very much like to see your wedding dress if you still have it?
Hünkar: Tamam it's up stairs. Come I'll show you.

They both went up stairs to her room, she went to the wardrobe and pulled out a bag and opened it

Mujgan: Ah Anne it's beautiful, look at the detail on it it's stunning
Hünkar: Yes it is,
Mujgan: Anne I love it. Would you consider letting me borrow it I would love to wear it and take as my dress if you don't mind Anne?

Hünkar sat on the bed she looked at her and smiled and nodded. Mujgan noticed her crying she sat beside her and hugged her

Mujgan: Anne what's the matter? Tell me
Hünkar: I was just remembering how miserable I was in this dress. I knew that from that day on my life was no longer going to be happy, but maybe if I give this dress your life will be a lot happier than mine was when I first started out tamam

Mujgan wiped her tears away

Mujgan: Anne thank you I will make you proud and I am honoured to wear this dress. Would you help me try it on please
Hünkar: Tamam kizim

Hünkar helped her try on the dress and it fitted like a glove, Hünkar started crying when she seen her in it

Hünkar: Mujgan you look stunning, yilmaz's eyes will fall out when he sees you in the dress now let's get you out of it and go and discuss the party and dinner

They both went to the kitchen to find Nazirye to discuss the dinner and food

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