In Yilmaz's Car

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They are both sitting in the front seats

Hünkar: Yilmaz oglum lutfen where are we going? Where are you taking us?
Yilmaz: Sus, Sus I don't know yet somewhere peaceful
Hünkar: Yilmaz, slow down lutfen there's no reason to go so fast oglum lutfen
Yilmaz: Sus Sus your nothing but a liar

Suddenly the car came to stop her head hit the dash board she put a hand one her stomach

Hünka: Ah...Ow... Huh... oh Allah askina ya slow down Yilmaz

He got out and dragged her to her feet and threw her on the ground and pointed the gun at her

Yilmaz: How on earth do you think you were going to get away ruining my life and Zuleyha's you killed our love

She was on the ground cowering

Yilmaz: Stand up and walk. Stand up!

He pointed the gun straight at her

Hünkar: Yilmaz lutfen, we're happy your baba and me we've finally got our happy ending and
Yilmaz: Sus... Sus you don't deserve to be happy after ruining my life you don't deserve to live. And I'm not gonna let you ruin my Baba's life
Hünkar: What has your baba told you? Has he told you everything?

He looked at her funnily then grabbed her and dragged her to an old shed that was falling apart and opened the door

Hünkar: Ah... Oh...  (she put a hand on her head)
Yilmaz: Get in çabuk
Hünkar: Birak benim

He pushed her inside to the ground

Hünkar: Yilmaz lutfen what have I done wrong now?
Yilmaz: How dare you even ask that question you know fine well what you have. You wormed your way back into my Baba's life and married him
Hünkar: Ne? No I didn't, I love Ali Rahmet and have done for over 40 years you know that.

Meanwhile Fekeli's car arrived at Adnan industries Demir was standing outside talking to an employee

Fekeli: Demir! Annem nerde?
Demir: Bilmiyorum why?
Fekeli: I told Yilmaz about us being married but he walked off before I could tell him she's pregnant now I can't find any of them
Demir: Ne? Ah allah askina ya if he hurts my mother I will kill him you understand let's go çabuk

Fekeli left in his car and Demir took his in search of Yilmaz and Hünkar

Yilmaz: What other reason do you have to marry my Baba because I don't believe you are capable of love
Hünkar: I love your Baba with everything I have in my heart he is my soul mate I've loved him for over 40 years he is first in my heart
Yilmaz: Rubbish. The evil Hünkar Yaman isn't capable of love all you care about is wrecking peoples lives, causing mayhem where ever you go and not caring who gets hurt in the process but that's all going to end now.

Yilmaz pointed the gun again and pulled the clip back amid at her head

Hünkar: Yilmaz lutfen bunu yapma lutfen oglum
Yilmaz: Sus Sus
Hünkar: Just know this if you shoot me it won't just be your Baba's life ending an innocent life will be harmed so do it shoot me! Go on do it! 

She put one hand on her stomach and closed her eyes he was pointing and noticed she put her hand to her stomach and stopped She started crying he lowered his gun

Hünkar: Hamileyim Yilmaz

He just looked at her then put his gun away walked over to her and helped her up to a seat and sat beside her

Yilmaz: Ne?
Hünkar: I'm pregnant that's why I asked you to slow down
Yilmaz: How far along are you?
Hünkar: 4 months I fell down the stairs two days ago that's how we found out I started bleeding

Yilmaz out his head in his hands and cried he was sobbing that much he put his head on her shoulder

Hünkar: Tamam oglum. Tamam it's ok shh shh it's ok
Yilmaz: Özür dilerim, affet beni
Hünkar: Tamam oglum I already have it's me who should be asking for forgiveness

They sat like that for a while then he got up and helped her up she walked in front of him till he noticed blood on the seat

Hünkar: Ah
Yilmaz: Hünkar iyi misin? Huh your bleeding
Hünkar: Ah... Oh... ow ow ow not again

She crouched down to the floor in pain Yilmaz was beside knelt beside her and took her hand

Yilmaz: Hünkar, can you stand?
Hünkar: Hayir, Ah... ow ow ow

He took his jacket off and put it round her

Yilmaz: Tamam put your arm round my neck and I'll carry you
Hünkar: Tamam. Ah... ow ow ow

He picked her up and carried her to the car opened the car door and put her in back seats and rushed to the hospital

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