2 Guests for Dinner

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Nazirye was in the kitchen cooking, Gulten was with the children and Hamine was sleeping. Hünkar and Fekeli were in the stables with the horses

Hünkar: Ah canim I've missed riding you and seeing you, how I've missed you
Fekeli: We can go for a ride later if you wish
Hünkar: Can we I've missed it so much, you might need to help me on her later though haha I'm too big to do it myself tamam
Fekeli: Evet I will. It will be like old times

She looked at him then laughed he took her hand and pulled her closer into a kiss, then they heard a car pulling in

Cetin: Büyük hanim there's a problem at the mansion you need to come quick
Hünkar: Tamam oglum, I won't be long will be back soon tamam

She hugged him then left to go with Cetin

3 hours later

Yilmaz car pulled up

Fekeli: Hos geldin evlat
Yilmaz: Hos bulduk, Baba we have another guest Mujgans aunt as well I didn't know she coming. Where's Anne thought she would be here as well
Fekeli: Somethting's  happened at the mansion she had to go sort it she shouldn't be long tamam . I take this is Mujgan hos geldim kizim iyi misin?
Mujgan: Iyiyim this is my aunt Behice Hekimoglu
Behice: Hos bulduk it's nice to meet you

She took one look at him and fell in love she had to get him

Fekeli: It's nice to meet you too shall we go in

They all went inside to sit at the table

Behice: What a beautiful house Ali Rahmet bey it's simply lovely
Fekeli: Sagol I think so too I love it here
Mujgan: Excise me do you mind if I make a phone call please I need to telephone the hospital incase there is an emergency I'm on call tonight would that be ok
Fekeli: Tamam of course kizim go ahead
Yilmaz: It's just this way
Behice: Do you mind if I use the toilet as well please?
Fekeli: Tamam it's just down the hall and first door on the right

She nodded and walked down the hall till she noticed the wedding photo of Fekeli and Hünkar she glared at it and sighed as she stormed off in huff

Yilmaz: How long has Anne been away for? It's strange she isn't here.
Fekeli: It has been a while now I shall phone

Just then the door opened

Fekeli: Hos geldin canim. Iyi misin?
Hünkar: Hos bulduk, yeah I'm fine I'm quite tired I think I will go and lie down for while tamam
Yilmaz: Tamam Anne you need your rest you can meet mujgan another time in fact I think I will take her out for dinner that way we can spend time together tamam
Hünkar: Tamam oglum I'm sorry I'm just tired have fun and enjoy your self and be safe
Fekeli: Evet don't do anything I wouldn't do either haha have fun

Yilmaz went and spoke to mujgan and told her there was a change of plan so they left. So now it was just the three of them

Fekeli: Do you still want to go for the ride we can do it tomorrow tamam?
Hünkar: Evet I think we should just go to bed don't you.
Fekeli: Tamam let's go

He took her hand and led her up stairs to bed, he helped her get changed and then jumped in beside her and snuggled in he stared kissing her neck then whispering sweet nothings in her ear and the slowly drifted of sleep together

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