2 Months Later

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Hünkar is getting bigger by the day she's sitting next her mother in the living room when the door bell rings

Hünkar: Who can that be?
Hamine: It's Abi Pasha come to marry one of girls
Hünkar: Tamam Anne.

She gets up and laughs as she goes to answer the door.

Man: Merhaba is Ali Rahmet home I need to talk to him it's urgent?
Hünkar: Hayir, he's not here he's working can I ask who you are and I'll tell him?

The man just gases at her for a minute as he looks her up and down realising that she's pregnant before answering her

Man: Em no it's ok I'll catch him at some point sorry to have bothered you Madame.
Hünkar: Tamam bye,

She watched walk away looking at the house she got the feeling that he wasn't a very nice man at all. Just as she shut the Zuleyha's car pulled up

Hünkar: Aaa kizim what's wrong?
Adnan: Babaanne, up up please

He held out his hands wanting up and hugged
She picked him up with difficulty

Zuleyha: Nothing Anne my aunt from Istanbul died I need to go  Demir is coming with me, would watch the kids please?
Hünkar: Evet of course. Oh my darling I'm sorry about your auntie
Zuleyha: Sagol Anne and thank you for watching the kids but I need to go see you later tamam
Hünkar: Tamam kizim drive carefully please

She handed over Leyla to her and left in a hurry. Hünkar shut the door and walked through to the living room

Hünkar: Anne look who came to see you, there're having a sleep to.
Hamine: Oh geldim geldim the kids are here let's play, let's play.

She put Adnan down and went to Hamine to play while she sat with Leyla on her knee

Hünkar: Ah canim your so pretty, cok güzel kizim, now let's get you something to eat tamam.

She got up and walked towards the kitchen with Leyla who was beginning to get cranky and hungry. Once she had made something up she went back through to no one sitting there

Hünkar: Annecanim! Adnan! Nerde?
Leyla: Wahh! Ahh!
Hünkar: Tamam canim. Tamam shh shh, Anne

She put the bottle in Leyla's mouth while she walked the house to look for them. She still couldn't find them anywhere now she was getting worried

Hünkar: Nazirye... Nazirye have your seen my mother and Adnan?
Nazirye: No I haven't hanim, they were in the living room last I checked why what's happened?
Hünkar: She's not here and neither is Adnan maybe they went outside to play, here you take Leyla I'll go look tamam.

She handed Leyla to Nazirye and went outside to look for them. She searched the back and front of the house nothing she was really starting to panic now it was getting dark. She walked back to the house to phone Ali Rahmet

Hünkar: Hello Ali are you there?
Yilmaz: Hayir Anne it's Yilmaz. What's up Anne? Is everything alright?
Hünkar: Hayir Hamine has gone missing again but this time she got Adnan with her and no one has seen them... and Zuleyha and Demir are away to Istanbul for a couple of days. I need help I don't know what to do Yilmaz.

She starts crying and rubs her stomach then sits

Yilmaz: Tamam Anne I'll be right over don't worry we'll find them, just you relax for me please don't get all panicked they'll be ok. Alright I'll be right over soon tamam
Hünkar: Tamam oglum

They hung up and she went to get a jacket as it was getting cold and went back out search for them

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