At the hospital with Hamine

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Demir's car screeches into the hospital drive way Zuleyha gets out

Zuleyha: Yardim edin! Yardim edin!
Hünkar: Annem look we're here don't you dare give up on me now!

Demir lifted her out of the back seat when Sabahattin came running with a stretcher

Sabahattin: Ne oldu?

They put her on the stretcher

Hünkar: Annem went missing we don't know what happened she was meant to be sleeping we found her in the woods
Zuleyha: All we can see injury wise is a bleeding arm but she's unconscious
Sabahattin: Right let's get her through çabuk, çabuk
Hünkar: Don't wait for me I'll catch up just go I can't ran very fast
Demir: Tamam Anne Zuleyha will you stay with Anne please?
Zuleyha: Tamam Evet you go now move it

Demir and Sabahattin rushed off while Zuleyha and Hünkar took it slowly

Hünkar: Ah ow I need to sit down for a minute oh
Zuleyha: Iyi misin Anne? Gel ortur Anne rest a little you shouldn't trier yourself out it's not just you anymore remember tamam.
Hünkar: I know it's just taking me time to get used to the idea it's been so long since I had Demir, I've only ever been pregnant twice before.
Zuleyha: Ne twice? Anne you only have Demir what happened to the baby?
Hünkar: I... I... it's a long story I'll tell you later but please don't tell Demir he doesn't know about it ok.
Zuleyha: Tamam Anne I won't. You just rest for a minute then we can go and check on hamine.
Hünkar: Tamam canim. Oh offt what a long day let's go and see hamine.

They got up and went to see hamine. When the reached the right floor Demir was standing outside the door crying

Hünkar: Demir ne oldu? Is she ok what's happened? Tell me
Demir: They think she has a bleed in the brain they say it's touch and go Anne.
Hünkar: Ne is she gonna be ok I have to see her , she needs me

She went to grab the handle when she stopped suddenly

Hünkar: Ah oh ow ow. Tamam canim, tamam

She put one hand on the wall to support herself and one hand on her stomach with Demir behind her guiding her to a seat

Demir: Anne sit down just now your tired have a rest we just need to wait for news tamam. Gel ortur rest
Hünkar: Tamam oglum I'm just worried about Anne I can't lose her
Zuleyha: Tamam Anne we all are. How did she get out anyway?
Hünkar: Fadik put her to bed and that was the last she seen of Anne, I don't know anything else
Demir: Tamam Anne it's ok

Just then the Sabahattin came out they all stood up

Hünkar: Sabahattin what's wrong with her is she awake yet?
Sabahattin: She has a small bleed that has stopped but other than that she fine she's just waking up
Hünkar: Can we her see please?
Sabahattin: Of course.

He opened the door and they all went in Hünkar stopped in the door way and looked at her frail old mother and started crying

Hünkar: Ah Anne canim.

She wakes over and sat beside her on the bed took her hand and cried

Hamine: Ne oldu? Where am I? Why are you crying don't cry kizim!
Hünkar: I'm not crying Anne I'm just worried about you canim your in the hospital you had an accident Anne.
Hamine: Take me home please.
Hünkar: I'll take you home after the Dr says it's ok to.
Sabahattin: Because she has had a small bleed we want to keep her in over night.
Hünkar: Tamam Sabahattin tesekkürler. We will see you later.
Sabahattin: Tamam geçmis olsun Hünkar, Demir and Zuleyha

He left to finish his rounds

Demir: Anne you should go home and get some rest your tired you need sleep and something to eat go home.
Hünkar: Demir I can't leave you go home kiss your children good night I sit with Hamine I will call if anything happens promise I'll sleep beside Anne on the bed tamam.
Demir: You promise try and rest and call if anything changes?
Hünkar: I promise to call and rest now go kiss your children hug them for me
Demir: Tamam Anne

He got up and hugged his mother and left. Once she was alone with her mother she watched her mother drift off to sleep then she settled herself snuggled up desire her mother on the bed and slowly drifted off to sleep

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