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They arrive back home to a welcoming party Fekeli pulls up and opens the door for her and helps her out

Fekeli: Watch your step, easy now.
Nazirye: Geçmis olsun Hünkar hanim
Hünkar: Thanks Nazirye and thanks for finding me. Don't know if I would still be here if you and Cetin didn't act so quickly.
Nazirye: No problem we did what we had to do.
Hünkar: Nazirye how's my mother? Does she know what happened? Is she ok?
Nazirye: She's fine and no she doesn't know. We didn't tell her anything.

Nazirye and Fekeli helped her up the steps and inside. Hamine was sitting in the living room watching tv. Hünkar shook the help off and walked slowly to the couch

Hünkar: Anne, Nasilin Anne?
Hamine: Iyiyim. Geldin, geldin. Tatlimi yedim mi?

Hünkar laughs and hugs her

Hünkar: Evet Anne look look you've finished it all.

She gets up from the couch and walks away up stairs to her room to lie down meanwhile the post man arrives with a letter for Fekeli

Fekeli: Ne? When was this written? Ah allah askina ya! Cetin, Yilmaz is coming home tomorrow how am I going to tell him about Hünkar. He's not due home for another month.
Cetin: I don't know Fekeli, are you going to tell Hünkar?
Fekeli: I have to tell her

He goes upstairs and knocks on the door opens it slowly

Fekeli: Hünkar, Hünkar are you awake we have to talk.
Hünkar: Hmm evet... I'm awake... hmmm

He walked over and sat beside her on the but holding her hand

Hünkar: Sorun ne?
Fekeli: I got a letter today from Yilmaz it was written 4 weeks ago, he's coming home tomorrow.
Hünkar: Ne? Ah allah askina ya what are we gonna do he's going to go crazy when see's me here in his home let alone mind about being a big brother, what we going to do?
Fekeli: I thought that you could maybe move back in temporarily with Demir until I talk to Yilmaz.
Hünkar: Evet that's a good idea I will phone Demir and ask!

He helped her up and walked her to the phone then left

Demir: Hello
Hünkar: Hello Demir it's me
Demir: Anne ne oldu?
Hünkar: Yilmaz is coming home tomorrow and I was wondering of I could move back home until Fekeli has told him about us?
Demir: Tamam Anne I'll come and get you
Hünkar: Hayir Fekeli will bring me and hamine ok see you soon.

She hung up and started packing a bag to take with her

Hünkar: Nazirye, Nazirye kizim can you pack a bag for Hamine please we are moving back the mansion
Nazirye: Evet Hünkar hanim may I ask why?
Hünkar: Yilmaz is coming home tomorrow and he doesn't know about us so please it quiet.
Nazirye: Tamam

She left and Hünkar kept on packing

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