Mixed Feelings

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Hünkar picked up Mehmet and perched him on her hip and took Gülsha's hand and led them down stairs to the table so they could eat the food on table

Hünkar: Gel, otur canim. Now eat as much as you like canim. Nazirye... can you please bring me some tea
Nazirye: Evet hanim
Hünkar: Now Mehmet would you like to eat canim?

Mehmet pointed to various different foods she plated them up and sat him on her knee and helped feed him

Hünkar: Gülsha canim slow down nobody is going to take the food from you

She gulped and swallowed them had a drink

Gülsha: Üzgünüm hanim. We haven't eaten in so long... (she started crying) Anne doesn't make a lot of money, whatever she makes Baba takes

Mujgan moved to take Mehmet from Hünkar but he wouldn't move from her

Hünkar: Canim gel, gel. Shh it's ok... it's ok... Now listen Anne both of you listen. Your safe here. You can eat, sleep and drink whatever and whenever you like canim. Do you understand bebeklerim?

She turned to Mehmet who was still eating and smiled

Mehmet: Evet mama

She was speechless she smiled tears caught her eyes she nodded and blinked them back kissed his head then looked at Gülsha who was wiping her tears and sniffing

Gülsha: Evet Anne. Can I... can I please eat the rest
Hünkar laughed and smiled hugged kissed her head

Hünkar: Tabii ki kızını yapabilirsin. Eat canim

She went back to her place and finished her plate of food and her pudding. Nazirye brought her tea she gave the cup to her

Hünkar: Teşekkür ederim Nazirye. Now Mehmet canim are you finished?

He nodded his head and yawned he was she pushed the plate away and gave a drink of milk then he slowly closed his eyes, she smiled as she looked down at kissed his head he in turned and cuddled in sucking his thumb

Hünkar: Yatak vakti kızı gel. Mujgan will take you to wash your and brush your teeth then I will tuck you in tamam?
Gülsha: Tamam Anne

She took Mujgan's hand and walked up the stairs happily. She heard a knock at the door she got up with difficulty and went to see who it was

Hünkar: Hoşgeldiniz I'm who are you?
Behice: Sagol, I'm Behice. Mujgan's Auntie I've come to see her if that's ok?
Hünkar: Of course gel gel. Hünkar Fekeli. It's so nice to meet you come in have a seat

She closed the door behind her and guided her to the living room

Behice: Merhaba ben Behice Hekimoglu. Mujgan'ın teyzesiyim
Hünkar: Nasilsin Behice hanim?
Behice: Iyiyim, Mujgan nerde?
Hünkar: She is helping Gülsha brush her teeth and then helping me put them to bed tamam

Behice nodded and smiled she sat back looking around the room

Hünkar: If you wouldn't mind waiting I will put this one to bed and tell Mujgan your here.
Behice: Tamam I would appreciate that sagol. Do you mind if I have some tea?
Hünkar: No not at all there's some on the table through there. I will be back.

Hünkar got up again and slowly walked up stairs cuddling Mehmet closer gently humming a tune. She finally reached the top and walked into the room. Mehmet started to whimper so started singing again

Hünkar: Mehmet bebeğim sorun yok sus... sus. Hush canim.

She gently rocked back and forth with a little difficulty but she managed it

Hünkar: Mujgan kizim sen teyze buradasın. She's waiting downstairs I'll put them to bed canim.
Mujgan: Emin misin anne? Tamam Anne. I'll have tea ready for you when you finish

Smiled and left, Hünkar turned and lay down Mehmet in the bed and pushed the bed right against the wall and tucked him in kissed his head

Hünkar: İyi uyu canım, seni seviyorum

She got up and put one hand on her tummy feeling the baby move

Hünkar: Oh canim your going to be so loved, I will never hurt you. Baba will never hurt you. No one will ever will. Asla

She smiled as the baby moved she smiled and wiped a tear

Hünkar: Gülsha kizim are you finished? Kizim gel ortur it's bedtime canim
Gülsha: Tamam Anne just coming

Hünkar turned down her bed and sat on it and waited rubbing her tummy. Gülsha came running out the bathroom and stopped in front of her

Gülsha: Is the baby moving? Can I... can I feel please?....
Hünkar: Tabii ki bebeğim, here feel.

They waited for it to happen again and it did. Gülsha had the biggest smile on her face

Hünkar: I think she likes canim. Now into bed kizim gel ortur.

She climbed in and Hünkar tucked her in she kissed her head

Hünkar: İyi geceler bebeğim sweet dreams. If you need me I will be down the hall, the first door. I mean anything even if you think it's silly tamam?
Gülsha: Tamam Anne
Hünkar: Night night baby

She got up and walked to the door went to turn out the light but Gülsha panicked

Gülsha: Hayir lutfen. Don't turn it off! Please... please leave it on. I'll be good please please...

She kept muttering, rocking back and forward she moved crying struggling to breath. Hünkar flew into action she got down on the floor moved her into her lap cuddled her close stroking hair and back

Hünkar: Sh...sh...sh tamam, tamam. Işık açık kalacak tamam. Breath baby... breath that's it good girl in... and out that's it good baby. Your safe askim. Shh Shh it's ok darling. They will never hurt you again.

They sat there till she calmed down a bit her breathing slowed

Hünkar: That's better kizim come on into bed canim gel

She nodded sleepily and stood up. Hünkar also got up and carried Gülsha back to bed is was easy since she was light as a feather

Hünkar: Uyu sevgili uykum. Sleep

She hummed a lullaby patting her back gently. She had silent tears running down her face, she hated to think what these children have been through. Gülsha's breath evened out so she kissed her head and left quietly making sure to leave the light on and left.

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