Chapter 1

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Connie opened her eyes. Even through the blurry haze, she could make Kelly out. Her sister looked battle worn, worried, and relieved at the same time.

"I knew you would be okay," Kelly signed

Okay? Well, I am alive. I hope.

Connie raised her hands. It felt like she was moving them through heavy dirt. "Where . . . am . . .?"

"The infirmary in Alexandria," Kelly answered.

Connie struggled to keep her eyes open. Her head was throbbing like her brain was going to pop out. She felt something in her arm. She assumed it was a homemade IV bag. The last thing she remembered was a black man on a horse, having cotton mouth, feeling hungrier than she ever did in her life, and smelling worse than the walkers.

"After we defeated the Whisperers, we started walking to Alexandria. We ran into a man on a horse. I almost fainted when I saw your limp body hanging on the back of it. Anyway -"

Kelly was fading away into darkness and Connie was too weak to do anything about it.


Daryl and Carol jogged to the infirmary. His heart jumped in his throat when Jerry met him, Carol, Maggie, Gabriel, and the kids at the gate to tell them that Connie was alive.

After beating the Whisperers, Daryl took a small group back to the hospital to check on Gabriel and the kids and get them back to Alexandria.

And I thought seeing Maggie back with a ninja dressed in a gray hoodie would be the last surprise today, he thought with a smirk he couldn't hide.

Carol's panting echoed behind him, struggling to keep up.

Daryl could see Sarah, the closest thing they had left to a doctor and another infirmary volunteer talking outside. He was still a few yards away when Kelly burst through the front doors. Kelly said something to them, and then motioned for them to come inside.

Daryl knew Kelly well enough to recognize worry and panic on her face. It had to be Connie. He quickened his pace, leaving Carol behind.

He rushed into the clinic so quick it was a wonder the door stayed on the hinges. Following the sound of murmuring, he found himself in a doorway.

Connie's lifeless body laid still as Sarah checked her pulse. Kelly held Connie's hand tight.

"What happened?" Daryl asked as he rushed over to the bed.

Connie was wearing a white smock with light blue poke-a-dots. Her skin looked paler than normal and there was a large gauze almost in the center of her forehead. Her hair was dry and tangled. To Daryl, she had never looked more beautiful and he had never been more happy and relieved to see anyone in his life.

"She passed out," Sarah answered nonchalantly. "It's to be expected. She was out there for two or three days without water and food. Little rest, I suspect. Probably for the best that she fell asleep. I can't imagine the headache she has from the concussion. She'll need something stronger than the DIY aspirin we got to alleviate the pain and we don't have anything stronger. "

"Is she going to be all right?" Daryl asked, fighting to keep his tone even.

Carol had finally arrived, sucking wind. She looked around the room and then at Connie.

Sarah pulled her fingers away from Connie's neck. "Yes," she answered with confidence. "As long as she takes it easy." Then, she looked at Kelly. "I like for Connie to stay here for a few days as precaution – and to make sure she gets the rest and nutrients that she needs."

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