Chapter 18

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Connie, D'artagnan, Ezekiel, Kelly, Negan, Alden, Lydia, and Jerry sat in the balcony of the arena. D'artagnan told everyone that no one had taken on the challenge in a year. It was so cold that breath looked like light fog.

Connie, wrapped in a white fur with a hood, held her breath as Daryl entered the arena. Of all the things, why did he trigger the ridiculous decree? Magna had to be the one who told him about it. She was the only one that could have. Daryl's plan had become clear. He was going to defeat D'artagnan by playing his game. Yet, knowing Daryl, he would use his unorthodox rules. As fantastic of a fighter Daryl was, he had never faced anything like The Raven. Connie had seen the creature tear limbs off his opponents and bit into them like chicken legs to the horror of his victims – and spectators.

Daryl looked handsome, unphased, and courageous – until The Raven appeared. Daryl's stone face turned into absolute shock.

"Shit," Negan blurted out. "I've never seen anything like that since this whole thing started.

"I . . . have to say . . . D'artagnan . . . that is quite the warrior you have there," Ezekiel chopped out with awe and a hint of horror in his tone.

"Isn't he great?" D'artagnan bragged proudly with no regard to how despicable he sounded.

"Oh, yeah," Negan said. "Real knarley."

The Raven released his war cry and shot out in a sprint after Daryl. Her love was almost taken of guard. Connie was sure Daryl didn't expect the monster to move that quickly or intelligently. Daryl dove out of the way and rolled over on the ground.

Oh, God! Connie shot up as she clenched her soft fur to her chest. She's seen this scene several times with other challengers. Thinking they are darting out of the way, they are putting themselves in the kill position. They couldn't roll over fast enough before The Raven was on top of them, biting their neck from behind or grabbing a leg and flipping them over then ripping the leg off their body.

Daryl had landed on his back and immediately put the spear up, parallel to his body. The Raven was already in motion for the kill, not able to stop himself because of the momentum. And then something happened that no one in Hampton thought they would see – including Connie.

The pointed end of the spear pierced The Raven's eye, making he scream. Daryl wasted no time shoving the spear into The Raven's head as far as he could.

A shocked stillness struck the crowd, leaving their arms in the air and their mouths open as D'artagnan shot to his feet. He was incredulous and surprised at the same time.

Fluid poured from the creature's eye as Daryl continued to hold the spear as he used his legs to scramble to his feet.

The Raven's arms went limp and his jaw went motionless. Daryl shoved the spear forward with force and then yanked it out of the creature's eye. The Raven fell forward like a falling tree trunk and landed on his face, the sand and snow vibrated when his body hit the ground. The Raven was no more.

Daryl turned and faced the balcony, looking at D'artagnan - and her.

The people sprung to their feet cheering and applauding.

Kelly appeared at Connie's side. They exchanged a quick look of knowing. Then, Kelly started signing to let her know that D'artagnan was going to speak. A footman had appeared holding a bore horn. He offered it to D'artagnan, who snatched it out of the poor guy's hand. "Well, done archer," D'artagnan said. Connie knew he was furious. He had always been a sore loser, even when Connie had thought he was a good man. "You have advanced to the next trial, which is surviving The Tomb of Clavicles."

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