Chapter 30

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Four months later . . .

It was the first of September and all of Hampton was preparing for the fall festival in two weeks. The week before, Daryl and two legions had gone out to deal with a herd that was looming a little too close for comfort. They had killed most of them and turned the rest. Daryl was expecting Aaron, R.J., Dog, Judith, and returning Hampton residents this month and he didn't want them being in danger on the trip.

Daryl, Connie, Lydia and Kelly were sitting in the living in the palace talking. Lydia cradled Carl in her arms like he was the only baby in the world. He was four months old and growing like a weed. He had Daryl's hair and eyes. Daryl just hoped he had Connie's smarts.

"I don't want that kid ending up like me," Daryl constantly said whenever he got a chance.

And he got the response he always got from Connie. "There's nothing wrong with you. You're the perfect guy. I want Carl to be like you." She gave him a sultry kiss on the cheek.

"Geez get a room," Kelly signed.

Lydia laughed.

There was a knock on the door.

"Yeah," Daryl answered.

The door opened. It was a member of the Captain of the Palace Guard. He stood tall in the new black with red stripped uniform Lydia designed for the palace guards. "Your Royal Highness, word from the main gate says Sir Aaron has returned with guests."

"He's here already?" Daryl asked. He didn't expect Aaron to arrive until the third week of September. "Did the guards let them in?"

"Not yet, waiting on your word on where to put them. Do you wish to have them in one of the guests' houses or do you want them to be guests in the palace?"

"Bring them here," Connie signed.

"Yes, they can stay here. More than enough room," Daryl said as he stood.

"Yes, sir."

Ten minutes later, Daryl, Connie, Luke, Carol, Magna, Kelly, and Lydia waited in the dining room. The nanny, Callie, was holding Carl. When the kitchen staff heard guests from out of town were arriving, they prepared an array of snacks for them to eat; sliced ham, beef, turkey, along with three types of cheeses, wine, water, croissants, rolls, homemade potato chips, cookies, a pound cake, butter, jam, nuts, and fruit.

"I hope they're hungry," Lydia said as she looked at the mile long dining table full of food.

"They will be. It's a long trip from Virginia to here," Daryl said.

"And this crew can eat," Carol said. "Trust me on that."

A familiar bark was heard before it was seen.

"Dog!" Daryl called with excitement.

Dog rounded the corner through the double doors, panting with glee. He ran into Daryl almost knocking him down. "Hey, buddy," Daryl greeted as he scratched the dog behind his ears. Connie gave him a pat, too.

"Hey," Aaron said as he came around the corner.

Daryl and Aaron gave each other a quick hug. Aaron hadn't changed much from when he saw them last. Grace was with him. "How was the trip?" Daryl asked.

"A lot easier than when we came up here with you," Aaron answered with a smile.

"That's good to hear." Daryl said.

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