Chapter 11

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Seven weeks later . . .

Connie was in the sitting room of her chambers with Kelly reading a book. Normally, she would have been walking around the halls or hanging out in the library but she had been feeling fatigued since she had gotten back. At first, she thought it was from the extremely long journey, but she was still feeling sluggish. She feared that she was coming down with something.

Kelly was painting the sixteenth chapel by a paint by numbers set. She had been really into art when they had lived in the palace before. One of Kelly's creations still hung in one of the sitting rooms downstairs.

Carol was wondering around the palace doing God knows what as usual. She had presented herself as Connie's second lady in waiting on the night D'artagnan came for her. D'artagnan liked Carol's meek demeanor slash performance, thinking she would make a palpable and loyal servant of the court and granted permission for her to come along.

Once they were alone upstairs at the temporary headquarters in Virginia, Kelly and Connie implored her to go back while she could. They would make up a plausible excuse for her absence. Carol had stubbornly refused.

During their journey back, Connie had been incensed with Carol. When they camped on the final night, Carol had asked Kelly to leave her alone with Connie so they could talk.

"You weren't this angry with me when I got you and Magna trapped in the cave," Carol opened.

Connie swung around to glare at Carol.

"I knew that would get your attention. Now, can you see that one of the reasons why I am putting my ass on the line to be with you and have your back is my way of making up for it?"

Connie scribbled on a piece of paper and handed it to Carol. "I never asked you to make up for it."

"I know," Carol said. "But, I am doing it anyway."

Connie wrote Carol another note and passed it to her. "What is the other reason?"

"I owe it to Daryl, too," Carol replied.

The mention of Daryl pained her soul. She missed him already. His gentle smile and awkward manner was so touching, so natural, and so easy.

"Daryl is lost to me now," Connie wrote. "There's no going back. You know why." Kelly, Connie, and Luke explained it all to Carol the first night they had spent on the road.

"Yes, I know. I'm just here to make sure you stay safe. That's what he would want since he can't be here himself."

"I can take care of myself."

"I know that. But, there's nothing wrong with getting some help. Everyone needs help," Carol said as she started pulling at the pins that were holding Connie's bun together. "So what do you say? Truce?"

Connie thought for a moment, and then nodded. She couldn't stay mad at Carol. They had too much in common whether she knew it or not. Mothers who have lost their children should band together.

Being back in a world of royalty, she and her friends wore ornate garments with petticoats and all. In the beginning, it was fun. It was like a life playing dress-up. But as D'artagnan slowly changed into a monstrous dictator, the fancy clothes and jewels became chains.

Connie sensed movement around her. Kelly had turned around on her stool and signed that three knocks banged on the thick hard wood double doors.

Connie nodded to let Kelly know it was okay to answer. Three knocks meant that it was palace security. Now, she was back in the fold, D'artagnan had her under close watch – for her own good. Just temporarily he had said.

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