Chapter 10

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Noon, the next day, Daryl had just finished eating lunch. Lydia was doing the dishes, and Dog was lounging on the floor. He couldn't keep his mind off Connie. If it took the rest of his life, he was going to get her back and deal with D'artagnan.

There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Lydia said and grabbed a dish towel to dry her hands. She left to get the door.

Daryl blew out as he looked around Carol's house. It was weird being there without her. He had to get her out of there, too.

"Daryl," Lydia called from the living room. "It's for you."

Wondering who it was, he got up from the table and walked to the living room. Dog followed.

Magna, Gabriel, Maggie, Aaron, Ezekiel, and Jerry were standing in various spots in the living room.

"Hey," Daryl said. "What's up?"

"After a good night's sleep to sober up, Magna remembered something that could be useful," Gabriel said. "She wanted to tell all of us about it."

Gabriel's words were like a vaccine of hope being shot into Daryl's veins. "What is it?" he asked as he turned to Magna.

"After the third attempt on his life, D'artagnan made a legal decree. Anyone who wanted to challenge him and his rule would have to pass three tests called the Trials of Glory. It is the only thing that keeps the army from destroying anyone who comes after D'artagnan and everything he has. If the challenger passes all three trials, then all that D'artagnan has will be his; the palace, the servants, the store houses, and . . . his queen. But, it's still a suicide mission," Magna said.

Daryl ignored Magna's last sentence. "What are the tests?" Daryl asked.

"In the first trial, the challenger has to go up against The Raven," Magna said.

"Raven? He their best?" Daryl asked.

"No. D'artagnan is the best," Magna stated without doubt. "And The Raven is more of a what than a who."

"What do you mean?" Aaron asked with concerned.

"The Raven is . . . a super walker; genetically enhanced by D'artagnan's scientists," Magna said.

"Daryl defeated Beta," Lydia stated with confidence. "He can handle a cheap science project."

"The Raven is more than that, honey," Magna said softly.

"What are the other two tests?" Jerry asked.

"Don't know," Magna answered. "No one has ever survived the first one."

Aaron rolled his eyes as he looked away.

"Is that it?" Daryl asked.

"Pretty much," Magna said.

Everyone was quiet for what seemed like for fifteen minutes.

Daryl knew what they were waiting on. They were waiting for him to say something - to make a decision or a suggestion. The choice was easy. He'd move the world for Connie. "Magna, do you remember how to get there?"

"Yes," Magna answered.

"I need you to give me directions from a map," Daryl said.

"Daryl, I want them back here, too, but . . . this . . . this sounds more dangerous than what we have already survived," Aaron said.

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