Chapter 15

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Connie and D'artagnan sat on their thrones as the guests arrived. They were announced by name and or title by a footman. The guests would approach D'artagnan and Connie, careful to stay three feet away from the steps to the thrones per protocol, bowed their heads and be greeted. Then, they would be free to walk around the ballroom to get refreshments or sit.

Kelly sat in a smaller chair a few feet away from Connie. As Connie's sister, she was seen as a lady with connections to the palace family. Kelly looked pretty in the dark, red gown that hugged her thin frame. The silk was one out of the two Connie had to choose from for her dress for tonight. Connie had chosen the black silk, since black was more fitting for the occasion and her mood. Her dress clung to her body as the train draped in a perfectly straight line going away from her chair. The big tear drop diamond on the string of diamonds rested on the top half of her forehead. Her hair was in a loose bun. Crystals, which looked like diamonds, were pasted on by special facial glue, lined a few inches below Connie's temples down to the curve her jaw.

D'artagnan got her attention by tapping her hand.

Connie turned to look at him.

"Did I tell you how exquisite you look tonight?" he mouth with a big smile.

She grinned and signed thank you.

His hand took hers. Their hands rested together on the arm of Connie's chair.

Luke was sitting across the room with the orchestra. They weren't playing yet, but they would start once all the guests had arrived.

It shouldn't be much longer. All the usual suspects were already there along with some new faces. Carol heard from the downstairs staff that a king and a lord had arrived in Hampton yesterday. They were staying in the separate guests' quarters away from the palace. That told Connie that D'artagnan was not familiar with them and did not trust them yet. One of the maids told Carol that one of the captain of the palace guards told her that this king was looking to form an alliance.

Connie internally shook her head. Whoever this king and lord were she felt sorry for them. D'artagnan had a way of either taking over someone else's territory or betraying them outright. That was how Hampton had acquired so many people and possessions.

Two trumpeters walked into the ballroom from the double doors that led to the grand foyer. The doors were closed behind them by two footmen. The men blew the trumpets, causing everyone in the massive ball room to quiet down.

"Our special guests have arrived," D'artagnan signed to her.

Connie nodded.

"Presenting," the announcing footman began boisterously. The double doors started to open. "His Majesty King Ezekiel and Lord Negan!"

If Connie had been drinking, she would have choked on it. She fought to keep her composure as she watched Negan, Ezekiel, Alden, and Lydia with Jerry leading the way, walk up the red runner carpet and stop in front of the throne. Her friends – from Alexandria were here. Connie glanced at Kelly who looked like she saw a ghost. Negan had the nerve to cheese and look around at everyone like he was a celebrity.

The little brigade who was dressed to the nines bowed their heads to Connie and D'artagnan except Ezekiel. The king gave them a curt nod.

D'artagnan returned the respectful nod to Ezekiel. "Greetings, King Ezekiel and Lord Negan," he said with a big smile as he leaned forward. "Welcome to Hampton. I hope your stay with us so far has been pleasurable."

Everyone in the ballroom watched with intense interest.

"It has been, your royal highness. Lord Negan and I thank you for your hospitality. Behold," Ezekiel began as he raised his scepter up about six inches into the air. "We've come bearing gifts as a token of friendship!"

Alden quickly stepped forward as Ezekiel spoke, holding a chest. He knelt down before the thrones. Jerry reached down and flipped the top open. Diamonds, pearls, and gems of every color in a rainbow shined from inside the chest. Ooos and awes whispered over the crowd.

D'artagnan let go of Connie's hand as he stood. Stepping down two steps, D'artagnan approached Alden who was still on one knee with the chest in hand. D'artagnan quietly reached into the chest fingering and examining the jewels. He dropped what was in his hand back into the chest and approached Ezekiel and Negan. A smile slowly crept on D'artagnan's lips. "A friendship is formed between our houses," he announced happily and offered his hand to Ezekiel.

When the men's hands joined, the audience applauded happily. They continued to clap while D'artagnan and Negan shook hands. "Now, let's commence with the ball. Not only are we celebrating our glorious queen, but a new friendship tonight," D'artagnan announced to all. "Drink, eat, and be merry. We have a lot to celebrate." Then, he turned to the orchestra and gestured to Luke, who was struggling to look like nothing was amiss. "Play."

Luke stood and walked to a spot where he was in front of the orchestra. He raised his stick and guided them to play.

The crowd slowly dispersed as D'artagnan turned to Connie and stretched out his hand.

Connie stood. Kelly stood as well. Connie started descending the steps, while Kelly kept her train in line. As Connie took D'artagnan's hand he said, "I wish for you to meet the love of my life. Her Highness, Queen Constance."

"Very pleased to meet you, your highness," Ezekiel said like he had never laid eyes on her before in his life.

"And I you," Connie signed. Kelly interrupted for her.

Ezekiel nodded. "I must say you are absolutely lovely. Isn't she, Lord Negan?"

"Most definitely," Negan said a little too loudly. Then, he looked at D'artagnan and stretched his hand out to Connie. "May I?"

D'artagnan offered Connie's hand to Negan. He took it without hesitation. "You are a vision." Then, he and bent over her hand and kissed it. "I am charmed by your beauty, Queen Constance." He let go of her hand – finally.

"Thank you," Connie signed.

"Let me introduce you two to my young ward and assistant," Negan said. "This is Lady Lydia."

Lydia quickly bowed her head to them.

Connie gave her a tight smile.

"Please to meet you, Lydia," D'artagnan said with an approving look.

Lydia grinned. "And I'm please to meet you."

"This is my guard, Sir Alden and my footman and faithful steward, Jerry. I never go anywhere without him," King Ezekiel introduced.

"Greetings, gentlemen," D'artagnan said.

Connie nodded at them.

"Oh and please let me introduce you to the queen's sister and lady in waiting, Lady Kelly," D'artagnan said as he motioned Kelly to come forward.

After the introductions, D'artagnan spoke again. "Have you eaten?"

"Why no we haven't," Negan responded.

"Good," D'artagnan replied happily. "You can join the queen and me at our private table."

If they are here, that means Daryl is here.

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