Chapter 2

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Four weeks later . . .

Construction on a brand new Hilltop was under way with Maggie Rhee at the helm. Connie had fully recovered and settling into her temporary home with Luke, Magna, and Kelly. Connie had been surprised to learn that Yumiko had gone to a meet-up miles away with Eugene to meet with some unknown – and that she and Magna had split up. The Alexandria counsel had become concerned about Miko and Eugene because they should have been back by now. They sent a small scouting group to the rendezvous point a day ago. Connie hoped the group would bring back good news.

However, there was an extra room in the large house the Alexandria counsel gave them. When Miko returned, and Connie believed she would, it was hers. The five of them had been through hell and back together, losing a few of their tight nit group along the way. They all weren't bonded by blood, but by survival, love, community, loyalty, betrayal, and horror.

Connie shook her head to keep the memories of the past ten years at bay. They had left Hampton and its leader behind and it was imperative that it stayed that way. Connie, Kelly, and their friends had a new future now. A future, Connie hoped, with true love. Yet, the man she desired was a complicated creature. It was obvious that he cared for her, and she thought she had replicated the sentiment. But, Daryl still hadn't made a move. Connie knew he was socially awkward, which made him endearing in her eyes, but at this point it was making her feel insecure. Maybe she had read the entire situation wrong.

No. He likes me. I know he does.


Daryl walked over to the table where the metal water bucket sat. Taking the scoop next to it, he ducked it into the water and drenched his head. He did it a second time to cool off. He had been in the woods with a group of thirty gathering wood to transport to the Hilltop location. He dropped the scoop on the table and sat on a bench a few feet away.

"I'm glad to see we're getting a hard day's work out of you today," Maggie commented as she approached him. She was wearing her brown fedora, dark gray pants, and a matching shirt.

"What do you mean?" Daryl asked as she sat down next to him.

"I mean," she stressed with half a smirk. "You're not distracted today because you didn't bring your girlfriend this time."

"If you're talking about Connie, she's not my girlfriend," he grumbled.

"Could have fooled me," Maggie said in her Georgia twang. "She has ridden up here with you . . . on the back of your bike every day for a week for the exception of today. Why didn't she come this time?"

"Because I'm going to camp with you guys for a few days. She didn't want to leave her sister overnight," he answered and looked out at the men cutting wood and the women team-working to lift and move it onto a wagon.

"Daryl, why don't really tell me why you left her behind this time? We've been through too much not to . . . talk to each other about our problems – or what is going on in our lives."

"It's true. Kelly is losing her hearing more and more. Connie doesn't want to be away from her for more than a day. Also, I told her that we had all the help we needed and she should take the time to rest so she wouldn't tire herself out," he replied.

"And she . . . believed that?"

"Yeah. Why not? It's the truth," he said with a hint of defensiveness.

"A half -truth," Maggie corrected. "What's the other reason, Daryl?"

Ugh, what the hell?

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