Chapter 24

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There was an adjoining door between Kelly and Connie's rooms. But, Kelly didn't have a large suite like Connie. She just had a room with some furniture in it. So when Kelly wanted to look out the balcony and hang out she would chill in Connie's sitting room. Not being able to sleep tonight, Kelly decided to spark a joint and eat some nuts. Connie didn't mind as long as she cracked the doors to the balcony.

The sweet herb put Kelly in a relaxing state. The best thing about smoking weed was it gave you the ability to forget about your problems for a while; no thinking about her continued loss of hearing, she and Connie weren't trapped in Hampton, and Hilltop didn't burn down.

Kelly stubbed out the joint to save the rest for later and leaned back on the sofa. She looked down at her satin blue pajamas, trying to pretend it was the sky. Kelly had found appreciation for when she could wear pants. In Hampton, it was law that the citizens wear old medieval attire. All the women, for the exception of the ones in the army, had to wear long flowing skirts and the men wore pants only. No one could wear shorts, even in the summer time.

Funny the things you take for granted. Kelly heard the door open and looked up.

Daryl, who was dressed like a member of the Captain of the Palace Guard, entered the room and softly closed the door. He turned to look at Kelly.

She blinked several times. Is he really here?

Daryl smiled at her and rushed to the sofa. They hugged, long and tight. Then, they loosened their embraced.

"Are you really here or am I high?" Kelly asked as she signed at the same time.

Daryl gave her a crooked smile. "Yes, you're high, but I'm really here," he signed.

"How did you get past the guards? Yeah, you're in a uniform, but I think most of them know you now."

"Negan and Aaron took care of them," Daryl said. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, man. Just chillin'," Kelly answered nonchalantly. If she wasn't under the effects of the bud, she'd be more concerned about Daryl being there. But she wasn't. Daryl knew what he was doing.

"Where's Connie?" he asked with a hint of desperation.

"She's asleep," Kelly answered and then pointed to the white double doors counter clockwise across the room. "In there."

"Okay. Get some rest," Daryl said and stood.

"Sure," she signed and leaned back on the sofa.


Daryl entered Connie's bedroom and closed the door. She laid like a peaceful angel in the large canopy bed. He rushed to her side and sat down on the edge of the bed. Grabbing her upper arms, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. He kept kissing her forehead and face until her eyes shot opened.

Connie's startled face turned into surprise and joy when she looked at Daryl. She quickly sat up as she opened her arms to embrace him.

This is what he broke into the palace for; to feel her, to hold her, and kiss her. Daryl could hold her forever.

Connie had other ideas. She pulled back. "How did you get past the guards?" she signed.

Thanks to the extra studying he did on sign language during the trip there, he caught everything she said and was able to respond back without trouble. "Negan and Aaron took over their shift. Not as hard as I thought it would be getting past them."

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