Chapter 5

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At Hilltop, Connie, Kelly, and Luke conducted themselves like nothing was amiss. They worked like dogs during the first day. Daryl was surprised, yet seemed happy to see her arrive in the caravan. He had smiled when she revealed that they were staying for three days.

On the first evening, Daryl had eaten dinner with the threesome and then he invited Connie out for an evening walk with Dog. She had hoped Daryl would find a way to hold her hand, but he didn't. It seemed like he wanted to tell her something, but he never did. She dismissed it, thinking it was her own conscience that bared that burden.

It was possible for them to hop the wooden barricade to runaway the first night but Connie wasn't ready. Her heart ached at the thought of leaving Daryl behind and in the past forever. Connie knew what she had to do, but saying goodbye to him was harder than she first estimated.

It was now late afternoon and Connie was helping with the cooking today. She knew it would be the last time she would cook for anyone. So she made the most of the opportunity. She went out of her way to make sure the dinner was top notch. Two teenage girls had helped her. Connie showed them how to bake fresh rolls and moist cakes. They also made vegetable soup. The one good thing about going back to Hampton was she would have meat other than fish from Oceanside.

Daryl ate with them again for dinner, gobbling up the soup and dessert like he hadn't eaten in a week. Luke was bothered by Daryl's table manners. Kelly didn't seem to mind that Daryl wolfed down food like a carnivore. Connie found Daryl's ways endearing and refreshing. No heirs and graces with him. What you see is what you get with Daryl and that's what she loved most about him.

Love. She loved him. She fell in love with him after their first fight with Beta and the Whisperers - when Henry was still alive, but wounded during the fight. She fell in love with Daryl's tenacity, his can do attitude, his stubbornness, and his rebellious and wild ways. When Connie fell in love with Daryl, she knew she would never love another again. He was such a rare man. Yes, he could be stubborn and brash at times, but deep down he had a soft and vulnerable side that he rarely showed to people. So when Connie got to see it during their search for Kelly months ago, she felt special.

Daryl invited her on a walk again with Dog. She would miss the little hell raiser, but not more than his owner. They didn't talk much during their walk, but they didn't have to talk. That's what she loved about being around him. She didn't feel pressured to fit in. And he didn't mind her being deaf. Matter of fact, it appeared that it was the one thing he liked most about her.

It was around nine p.m. when they got back to camp, formally Hilltop. Connie had no doubt that it would be restored to its past glory - better even. She just regretted not being around to see it.

"I'm going to get Dog a snack and hit the hay," Daryl signed. "I'm beat. I'll . . . uh . . . see you in the morning."

Connie nodded and then she did something that she wouldn't have dared to do a month ago. She quickly gave him a peck on the cheek and jogged off. She didn't dare look back in fear that her cheeks looked as hot as they felt.

An hour and a half later, Connie laid on her cot in a tent she shared with Kelly, who was snorting and snoozing away. It wasn't Kelly's sleeping habits that were keeping her awake. It was her restless mind. She decided to go out for a quick walk, hoping that the fresh air would relax her.

Deciding to walk the grounds in nothing but a long, white dress shirt, she put on her boots, grabbed a flashlight, and headed out. She had only strolled a few feet from the tent when she spotted Carol leaning against a boulder smoking a cigarette.

"Hey," Carol greeted softly.

Connie raised her hand, saying hello.

"Um, what are you doing up this late? You should be tuckered out after that fabulous meal you cooked," she signed badly.

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