Chapter 27

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Daryl sat in the room across from the grand hall where he'd be fighting D'artagnan. Captain Mills was explaining the rules to him. The same five guards were there also.

"We'll have to hold onto your crossbow, son," Captain Mills said. "The only weapons you're allowed to use are whatever knives you got on you and the weapons in the grand hall. You can have it back afterwards."

Daryl gave him a look. "So, you think I'll beat him. Taking it you think I'll have an afterwards."

"I'd say you have a hell of a chance to. If you can't, then nobody can. And that thought is just not acceptable," Captain Mills said as he handed the crossbow to one of the guards.

"I've meaning to ask you. You've . . . been pretty good to me during this whole thing. Why? You don't know me," Daryl said. "D'artagnan is your leader."

"He may be king, but he's a harsh one," Captain Mills said. "And the most ornery and vengeful son bitch I've met in all my sixty years. Long story short, I've seen him do and order nasty judgments. As far as the orneriness, one of my men made the mistake of tripping on the runner carpet one day. Fell right into D'artagnan, knocking his wine glass out of his hand. As penance, D'artagnan fucked his wife – and made him watch. He also made us watch so we could understand the price of fouling up around the king. It happened in the grand hall, where you're about to fight. It was the only place big enough to fit all the palace guards."

Daryl's lips turned up in disgust.

"Of course, she couldn't refuse. If she had, her husband could have been hung," Captain Mills explained. "Anyway, a month later she killed herself and the boy hadn't been seen since."

"He was a good guy," one of the guards said.

"Yes, a nice young man," Mills confirmed.

"With that being said," another guard chimed in with venom. "We hope you kill his black hearted ass."

Five minutes later, Daryl stood in front of the double doors to the grand hall with the captain next to him. The guards were behind him.

Both doors opened. Daryl assumed it was the footman who opened them. He walked into the vast room to light applause. It was designed like an auditorium. The people were in the stands above. The walls closer to the floor had medieval looking weapons hanging on them. Daryl walked to one side of the room like he was instructed before he entered. He didn't see Connie, Kelly, or Carol, but he saw the rest of his friends on the front row on one side of the room. The one dressed in a hood with a scarf around the better part of her face he assumed was Magna. She was actually willing to risk her ass to see this. Luke was sitting with them. He didn't look worse for the wear. Palace guards were positioned against various spots next to the wall, between the hanging weapons.

Mills told him that all of D'artagnan's army lieutenants along with several soldiers would be present and they were sitting the bleachers.

The double doors opened again. D'artagnan walked in wearing a pair of black pants and shirtless. Connie and what looked like another lieutenant stood on both sides of him. Carol and Kelly stood behind Connie. A few members of the palace guard stood behind them all.


D'artagnan stood tall in the entrance way as his subjects stood and bowed their heads. This would be one of his greatest victories. He turned to Constance and quickly signed to her. "After today, you will only have one man in your life and that's me."

Her eyes widened at the revelation.

"I'm not a fool. I saw how you looked at him at the tomb. Today is the day your lover dies." D'artagnan snatched her by her upper arms and kissed her, claiming her in public - in front of him. He released her and started walking to the side of the room with guards in toe.

Lieutenant Wardlow, and his right hand man, stood in the center of the room. "This is the final trial of the Trial of Glory. The challenger, the archer, Daryl Dixon, versus, His Royal Highness, D'artagnan. This will be a fight to the death. Anyone who interferes will be immediately arrested and taken to the dungeon to await sentencing."

As Wardlow continued, D'artagnan looked at the redneck. Daryl's blue eyes were blazing. D'artagnan smirked as he chuckled. Good, he's mad, he'll make a mistake.

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