Chapter 22

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Daryl, Negan, and Aaron sneaked around outside of the palace to the South side. According to Carol, Connie and Kelly's chambers were on the cusp of the north side, the same corridor that Carol and Daryl bumped into each other on the night of the ball.

"There isn't an entrance that is closer to Connie's rooms?" Daryl asked.

"No, there's the army and captain of the guard entrances, the kitchen entrance, and the south side entrance that the rest of the servants use if they want to go out," Carol answered.

D'artagnan's chambers were located in the middle of the castle so there was little chance of running into him unless he was stalking around the place at midnight. Carol had refused to tell Connie that Daryl was coming to see her. Just in case something went wrong, she didn't want Connie more worried than what she already was. Stress was not good for a woman in her condition.

They stopped at the door that Carol described to a T. Daryl pulled the handle and sure enough it was unlocked. "Come on," he whispered.

Aaron and Negan followed behind him dressed in the purple palace guard uniforms. Daryl had on a uniform too with a matching hat. If someone did see them, he hoped that his hair which hung out of the hat didn't give him away.

Daryl closed the door behind them. When he turned around they were two instead of three. "Where's Negan?"

Aaron looked behind him, moving his flashlight around in the dark. "I don't know. He was just here," he said with a dumbfounded expression.

Daryl frowned. "I should have known he'd pull something."


Negan quickly wandered down the candle lite hall. If Daryl was going to get some tonight, so was he. Why should Daryl have all the fun? Negan was looking for D'artagnan's harem. Rumor had it in town that it was on the south side of the palace. Negan had joined D'artagnan in the royal carriage at the trash field while Connie, Kelly, and Carol were out for a walk. D'artagnan had bragged to Negan about his harem. Then, the SOB asked how old Lydia was. Negan had told him sixteen. D'artagnan was surprised she was so young. He quickly changed the subject.

At least he isn't a child molester.

Negan quickly went from door to door, listening for any clue that would lead him to wet pussy and big titties.

"Can I help you solider?" a husky voice said a few feet away from him.

He whirled around to see a woman who had to be at least two hundred pounds with short dark hair wearing a large white apron with a long purple dress with the royal seal on it. She looked to be in her late sixties. She was pushing what appeared to be a silver food cart.

"Evening, ma'am," Negan said with a big grin. "I was . . ."

"Looking for the girls. You're not the first guard who I found poking around down here. One of these days, he's going to catch one of you and if he does it will be the guillotine. Why don't you guys do something extraordinary and brave to earn the right to the harem? At least you won't be risking your heads," she said.

I seriously doubt the prick of the year would offer his concubines to another man no matter what he does. But, instead, Negan said, "Well, that is a good idea, but since I'm already here . . ."

"Riiight," she said flatly. "May as well follow me. I'm on my way there with their weekend night supplies."

"Which are?" Negan asked as he joined her.

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